I’m 33 year old female. I’ve been having stomach problems now since October 2020. It all started when I got lots of pain in my lower right abdomen, I lay on my tummy which made me be sick 3 times the pain subsided but didn’t go completely, but as well as that I started having diarrhoea and loose stools. When it didn’t go away I went to the drs, he did blood tests, stool tests all came back fine. Then something new started I began to get a weird feeling under my right rib cage sometimes towards the front sometimes to the side - never painful but just an odd feeling sometimes if I’m lying on my stomach it feels I’m lying on something, dr did examination and said all felt fine, - my stomach gurgles a lot usually focal under right ribs but can move around sometimes very loud like a creaky door or someone moving furniture about which sometimes mean diarrhoea is coming but sometimes means nothing! My tummy is so unpredictable it’s untrue but it’s not gone back to normal at all! Went back the drs recently who re did bloods which came back fine again currently waiting on abdominal ultrasound but going out my mind with worry in case it’s something more serious! Also get back ache! I’ve tried colofac which seemed to help a little but thinking of trying something else as well anyone had probiotics or colpermin? And can you take Imodium with them as well?