7 weeks ago i went to the toilet and just happened to see the toilet before i flushed, it was pink, toilet roll on top of stool so couldn’t investigate,
next day i went to the toilet again and there was red mucus all over a darkish stool, i went docts straight away!
had a physical examination and was told no reason to be bleeding so i done tests two days later and blood tests 3 days later, everything came back clear,
3 days after i had the blood i started having severe diarrhoea multiple times a day! This went on for a month straight! By the third week i had constant cramping and shooting pains in my sides every so often!
Also worth mentioning while i had just diareah i took ONE imodium and i ended up constipated for 3 days until direah again!
The 5th 6th and now 7th week has been either diareah, constipation or just bubbly/stringy mucus of all colours, white, clear, yellow, orange!
I’ve had every blood test you can think of all clear!
I’m not coeliac
I haven’t been sick once but i made myself sick twice and it was a milky brown colour both times, very tacky almost!
On week 5 i ended up in hospital with a heart rate of 153 due to bad dehydration and had 2/3 drips overnight.
one consultant said it’s probably Ulcerative colitus and one doctor said it’s Probably Ibs with anxiety
i’ve also started getting Ulcers in my mouth and got a red lump thing on/ above my inner lip frenulum!
Throughout all this i’m super tired, fatigued and for someone who works a physical job, i can barely open a jam jar now
it’s been 7 weeks and i have to wait 4-6 weeks to see a gastroenterologist
sorry for the essay!