Feeling stuck: Hi everyone so iv been diagnosed... - IBS Network

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Feeling stuck

Kaylieghsmithy profile image
22 Replies

Hi everyone so iv been diagnosed with ibs d since 2013 it was bearable but the past 2 years of been pretty much housebound. I have really bad anxiety wich falls hand in hand with my ibs because my worries and anxiety are overwhelming. It started last April it just got out of hand i had to go to London for an operation and i was terrified and i had an accident😣 in my parents car (wich was horrific) and ever since then iv been to terrified to leave the house and when I have iv had belly pains ect. I feel like I'm stuck im seeing a counceller at the min for my worries ect and I'm keeping food diary im currently stopping my imodium iv been on that for 5 yrs i just really dont want my bowels to become dependent im such a mess right now. X

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Kaylieghsmithy profile image
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22 Replies
Kaylieghsmithy profile image

Also the doctors just dont seem to want to help im not sure of theres anything else they can give me i just feel like ibs isn't a big deal when it is and its taking over my life?! Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated x


What tests have been done by your doctor? I trust you've had some.

Kaylieghsmithy profile image
Kaylieghsmithy in reply to

Iv had bloods and done a few poo sample

in reply to Kaylieghsmithy

Okay, did the doctor tell you what your test results were and do you know if one of the tests was done for coeliac disease?

Kaylieghsmithy profile image
Kaylieghsmithy in reply to

Yes I think the sample covers all the gut deseases and my results came back normal

in reply to Kaylieghsmithy

What happened when this all started back in 2013, did you suddenly start having diarrhoea which got worse?

What advice or medications have you had from your doctor and have you had a referral to a dietitian?

Kaylieghsmithy profile image
Kaylieghsmithy in reply to

Ok well I used to be normal and i went through somthing really bad alot of stress and it started then and then in the same year i had to have a op and the op went wrong and they accidently pirced my bowels and from then its been bad. And the docs only gave me imodium thats all but they are reluctant to give it me so now I am on nothing.

in reply to Kaylieghsmithy

I think you're right to keep a food diary to see if there's a pattern. If I were you, I'd ask to be referred to a dietitianfor some proper advice.

Sorry I can't be more helpful, but as your problems seem to have been prompted by anxiety in the first place followed by bad op, that's the only advice I feel I can give.

I wish you well and hope you find a solution.

Kaylieghsmithy profile image
Kaylieghsmithy in reply to

I understand thank you for taking the time to help me x

golfrn profile image
golfrn in reply to Kaylieghsmithy

Bowels being pierced can cause nerve damage or scar tissue. They need to investigate further.

katesampson65 profile image

I’ve had gut issues for 25 years. I’m at wits end. Read about leaky gut. I swear that could be it. My dr said it could be -First you should go on anxiety medication. Second go get tested for bacteria over growth. I finally last week found someone to help. Im now taking pre and probiotics and gut enzymes along with better absorbable vitamins. You have to read about this and figure out the foods to eat. Find out the foods triggering it. I also did a dna test on my sensitivities and health and another on what medications etc my body can have. I haven’t gotten results back yet. Next I’m going to internist to visit more. I feel after all these years I’m on right path. I’m praying as I cannot stand it anymore. Good luck to you ❤️

Kaylieghsmithy profile image

I hope u are its the worst thing x

Eastbourne11 profile image

Hi I do feel for you. It was not your fault you had an accident. So do not feel guilty, you are lucky it was in the car, my accidents have been in public!!! That is really embarrasing. I am on the FODMAP way of eating, but you have to read the book to learn how things work together. They should have it in the library if you can't afford to buy. It's been a year since I started on the diet and, fingers crossed no diarrhea. Constipation yes, but daily bran deals with that. What a nasty lot of experiences you have had, enough to make anyone a hermit! Good luck, the doctors do not seem to know anything, we have to work it out ourselves. My IBS D was caused by an injection for seasickness, I think. Take care

Kilgh profile image

Hi there,

You should see a Psychiatrist if you can. Your anxiety level sounds like you need some drug therapy as well as counselling. There are anxiety drugs that slow the gut down. You need this I think because you are in a loop where your anxiety is causing your Vagal Nerve to over react and as your Vagal Nerve controls your gut motility that causes your gut to go haywire too. So you have IBS which is bad enough AND a upset gut controller fed by your anxiety. So, yeah, if you aren't on drugs for your stress you will find it very difficult to stabilse your gut again.

Did your doctors cause peritonitis? That is horrible.

I reckon every doctor that treats IBS should have to suffer it for a year. That would change their outlook, right?

I advise you to know your disease better than your GP. You need to be all over your test results. Definitely attempt a low FODMAP diet. It is successful, studies show, for 75% of IBS patients. So get a dietician if you can to help, or fully educate yourself on the whole theory of FODMAPS so you can devise your own diet plan.

Some people find it restrictive but unless you are really into wheat products it is not so bad. Anything published by Monash University on the subject is valid. Don't trust any other versions out there.

Kaylieghsmithy profile image

Thank u iv been one alot of anxiety medication im currently moving on to another set as i feel these just dont work either im in a bad place im seeing a counceller but it's very early days x

Maxsmudge profile image

Hi, I was same but kept at doctors even changed doc and finally got tested for H Pylori which came back positive so got antibiotics. Things a lot better but still have flare ups but I find peppermint capsules are helping, after all the things I have tried I was not going to bother trying them but so glad I did as helping me.

Chin up, your not alone! Hope you get sorted x

Kaylieghsmithy profile image

Thank u

Ernest2 profile image

Dear Kayleigh,

Well done to be so brave to for post.

I'm new to IBSNetwork (but not new to IBS and I'm no expert at it, but here to learn)

I think there are lots of great people here, who if you keep posting can help feed you with ideas to try.

Some silly questions (that might help people give you better/ more specific answers):

Don't give your detailed address but would you care to say which health authority you live in. Some have specialised NHS services, and perhaps other local groups who can help.

Its probably a case of there being too much to try, rather than being stuck, but be careful not to get fooled with anything you try - its very easy to do.

Permanently eliminating stuff if you then end up on a very restrictive diet can be dangerous.

That said you may find things that you really shouldn't eat, but I'd want professional advice/tests on that (which is not always easy to find). Also always accept any medical test can sometimes give wrong results so keep an open mind.

Do you think your IBS/pain level is getting worse over time ? (I'd go back to the doctors)

Can you correlate any worsening period with any other changes in life ?

A basic blood test, does not mean you are clear of all conditions.

A GP will always do it just to make sure there isn't anything blindingly obvious.

Beyond that they have to make guesses and test. (There are no tests I'm aware of for IBS, but there are other things that could give you pain etc.)

Medicine is thankfully becoming more scientific with e.g. breakthroughs in genetics, but be aware still has an art form component. Its not a simple job.

When do you get pain ? (e.g. in a car)

and what type of pain - what do you think is the cause / where is the pain.

Do you think the pain is caused by bloating ?

Have you seen a hospital doctor about the pain ?

Have you tried anything else except Imodium ? (I think that's a short term emergency med).

Bear in mind GP's give prescriptions and advice, they don't prepare your healthy diet.

Do you think you get enough sleep ? (does anxiety give you an issue with that)

Do you think you get enough exercise - physical and mental relaxation ? (Not sure of the kind of situation you live in but e.g. do you have a pet, or e.g. could you walk a neighbours dog, of better still do that with a friend. )

Do you think you get enough time to relax ? (Its easy when you get overwhelmed by medical stuff for all the fun stuff in life to get eliminated, so ring fence some fun time)

Would you care to give a few examples of what you eat for each meal and snacks (remember we are all different so there are no magic answers, but I'm sure people will make some suggestions. I'd do a new post for that.)

Do you have time yourself for cooking / food preparation etc.

Do you feel counselling (what sort) has helped so far? I think that depends what you are trying to achieve with it. I do think you have real issues to sort, so its not just a case of accepting/ignoring them as imaginary issues)

You may never find a perfect solution but try to visualise a time in the future when you have reasonably sorted it to manageable levels (Take a bit of time when you need it and imagine being there in that future time.)

Please keep posting and let people know how you are getting on and what you are trying - I'm sure they will help.

Also keep talking to your doctors.

Try to accept that its a complex problem that will probably need more than a few medical appointments etc. to fix/workaround.

(my own opinion, as all this post) IBS is very unfortunately & unhelpfully named. There is no scientific diagnosis test for it. You end up with that tag when other things have been eliminated e.g. Celiac disease.

One day I hope we will have a better name for it. There is now at last scientific progress, so that should give us hope.

So bear in mind many GP may not have had much training in it, so please be patient with them - they have a very difficult job.

P.S. Don't worry about the car - lots of us have had problems there in the past. (Are there any other options on hospitals, than heading into London ?)

P.P.S. Do keep seeing your GP practice on a regular basis, to let them know what you are trying (Ask reception if any member of your GP team is a specialist on the digestive system).

Wishing you well.


Kaylieghsmithy profile image

Thank you Ernest i live in Sheffield England in always keeping in touch with my gp i think im goin to get more help and see a dietion the pains has eased off for the past week but im still running to the loo. Alot!!!

Ernest2 profile image

Great place to live.

Glad to hear the pain has reduced a bit in the last few week.

Sorry to have asked so many questions (you can tell I suffer from Anxiety).

One other important question though as you start on the road to sort out your IBS is what your weight is.

e.g. If overweight then its easy to try effect of e.g. cutting out some of carbs and replacing with interesting Veg.

Less easy if you are underweight because you need to replace with something that still gives you the calories e.g. Oats made into porridge.

So do please ask your GP to see a dietician, also be patient with trying things as there are no magic answers that fit and work instantly for all patients.

I know that is frustrating when you look around at all the healthy people around you who don't have this problem.

Please write some new posts when you have seen the GP/dietician with all questions you have.

At the end of the day the effort you want to put in probably depends on just how good you want to make things. It may well take time to sort out.

First step is probably as simple as to relax a bit (easy to say I know and often not easy to do)

Wising you well,


Kaylieghsmithy profile image

Thank you and dont apologise for asking questions i appreate the help and advice I know this sounds dumb but my gp isnt the best and iv moved to other ones and there worse so mine is ok but I dont even know if iv been tested for celiac disease or things similar i know if been tested for crohns and it came back negative. I just hear people with ibs always say they have flare ups... I dont mine is a constant false up I love all fruit and veg and real home cooked meals thats not a problem in calling my gp on Monday (tomoz) and demanding i be tested for such diseases. How is your ibs??

All the best

Kaylieghsmithy profile image

Sorry i ment flare up my phone has annoying predictive text somtimes its good lol

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