Private clinic IBS testing and treatment. - IBS Network

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Private clinic IBS testing and treatment.

12 Replies

So I came across this private clinic called the kaisen clinic that treats all kinds of things like digestive disorders such ibs ect, also skin problems ect. I went yesterday for consultation, testing and treatment. Now with ibs they used a machine called a bioelectric functions diagnoses. It decects all sorts like pathogens, bacteria, parasites ect that may be causing your ibs symptoms. This machine takes readings from your hands and feet, and detects that there is a problem anywhere in the body such as the gut ect by applying a metal rod to the acupuncture points, as I was also holding a small metal rod on the opposite hand and vice a versa. The machine has a number reading so the higher the number for sure it has dected a problem in that area. As I get a lot of pain in the upper right hand corner, the machine detected a problem there from just my hand in the pressure point, the reading was like 78 which is high and not good. So after all that they had all these specific strains of pathogens, bacteria in small tubes, in boxes. Now he Place the boxes onto a metal like plate that was attached to the machine and repeated the same thing as I had said above with the readings from the feet. They had dected 5 different types of bacteria in my gut, mrsa, listeria, campylobacter, shigella and clostridium that are causing all my ibs symptoms. I've had ibs for about 1 and a half to 2 years. Never had stomach issues before that. I must have ingested contaminatated food or water at the time because I started off having diarrhea. For the treatment whatever strain of bacteria that I have they come in small bottles called remedies and another bottle called drainage. 30 drops per remedy bottle and 60 drops of drainage into 1 litre water everyday. The remedies are supposed to kill of the bacteria and drainage to fluss out toxins. It can takes time but everyone is different. You will start to feel better when taking treatment but then once bacteria is gone your symptoms get worse again, that means you do not need to take remedy anymore as it has done its job, and it's just the remedy that make you feel sick rather it being anything else once bacteria is killed off. So wish me luck, I was so excited and over the moon that I have gotten to the bottom of my ibs and hopefully will soon get back to normal. I hope I have made sense as I have written a lot and try to explain it as best as I could. It made me think that if there's no other explanation for your ibs because you've done lots of tests and everything came back as I have found with doctors, then maybe in this case it's called 'irratable bowel' because something is actually irrating it like bacteria or pathogen, so if that would be the case do I really have ibs, or is it that these bacteria is the actual cause for my ibs like symptoms.

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12 Replies

Sorry I forget to type in tests from doctors all come bk normal as nothing like celiac or crohns, and gallstones where not found.

Vicky_t profile image
Vicky_t in reply to


Could you possibly give more details about where is this centre and how much it costed you? If you aren't allowed to do this in public here could you send it on my email?

Thank you

in reply to Vicky_t

Sure I'm assuming your from the UK.

The address is:

Kaizen Clinic

Mayfair House

11 Lurke St


MK40 3HZ

The intial consultation and testing is £105 (approx 2 hours)

Follow-up Consultations: £40 (approximately 40-45 mins)

Remedies: £14-£28 each

Drainages: £24-£30 each


Vicky_t profile image
Vicky_t in reply to

That was quick!

I am in the UK

Million thanks!

in reply to Vicky_t

Sure no probs your welcome good luck

Maureen1958 profile image

Sounds intriguing, keep us informed please of your journey.

in reply to Maureen1958

Will do for sure

auntyjean profile image

I went for a private consultation then had comprehensive stool test which showed up large infestations of 2 parasites which have destroyed most of my good bacteria and cause the symptoms of IBS. These parasites are difficult to eradicate. I hope things go well for you.

in reply to auntyjean

Thankyou I hope things work out for you too. Interesting about parasites it's good that you also went to a private clinic to see what the root cause of your ibs

auntyjean profile image

Yes it's hopeless with the NHS. They just don't get to the causes of the problem. All the best with your treatment.

in reply to auntyjean

I def agree with you there. They just give you medication to help with pain but not actually getting to the root cause of the problem and eradicating it.

in reply to auntyjean

Thankyou I hope all goes well

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