IBS C AND RHUBARB COMPLEX .... it works - IBS Network

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Lulububs profile image
81 Replies

Hi guys

So i have had ibs c most of life and i was reading in a ibs medical paper about rhubarb complex as a natural laxative... i didnt hold out much hope but i got a free 10 day trial and it works....

I usually have to take lactulose and magnesium to b able to go but i have stopped everything but these tablets and im goin every day...

So just letting u know it mayb worth a try.

Plus u can have 10 days trial

At the place i tried....

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Lulububs profile image
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81 Replies
Eliana5 profile image

Hi, what is Rhubarb complex? I have never heard of it, but I want it. Is it a supplement? Can I get it online in the States?

Eliana5 profile image

Rats. It's not sold on Amazon.com. I don't think it is sold in the States. Just the U.K. 😞

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toEliana5

Yes sorry think it only sold in uk. It sold by twentyfirstcenturyherbs so i dont know if u wana contact them

And see if they do ship or supply usa?

There very good, i knew rhubarb is a natural colon cleanser but i am not gona eat rhubarb every day as i work full time and havent got time to go get it and stew it so these are briliant.

If u are about at home and u can actually get rhubarb mayb worth just stewing it up And eating it if u canbut think these tablet are stronger then abit of rhubarb.

They are miracle workers for me . I been wanting to stop the false laxative and magnesium for ages as i heard they can have a bad effect of kidneys and liver so i wanted a natural cleanser.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs

Yes..just e-mailed them to see how much they are in US dollars. Supposed to be a potent stimulant laxative..the tablets..not so sure about this since I already take Senna on Sunday's..

Pat1 profile image
Pat1 in reply toLulububs

I looked these up and the main ingredient that will make you go for constipation is Aloe Ferox which is a stimulant laxative. I have a similar product with 100mg of Aloe Ferox. They do work, but I only take them occasionally as they give me cramps unlike magnesium.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toPat1

Do you mind me asking what type of magnesium you take? Is it citrate? Capsules? Does it give you a bowel movement every day? What mg do you take? I haven't really read any positive reviews on Rhubarb complex and I don't need to lose weight like you can on it..

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toEliana5

Yeh i go every day.

I take about 300-400mg with a pint of water as bowel needs water to produce 💩

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs

You take this along with Rhubarb laxative. Yikes! Is it painful? Going to go off my free trial of Rhubarb because the main ingredient I just found out is Cascara..another word for Senna..so going to try Magnesium which is more natural than Rhubarb and Senna laxative.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs


Eliana5 profile image

Rats..again..could only find "Turkey Rhubarb root extract or something like that..in States online ordering..but it says "not for long term use" and it also came with a warning side effect of about 25 problems 😪..so be careful..

Lulububs profile image

Hmm i have read all that but i supose anything u take has side effects really .... like keep taking laxative can cause bowel problems and stop it from working and magnesium can upset kidneys as to much potassium.

It all a case of “ wishing i could go naturally” but i cant i always need to tale something to go...

I used to use senna but my gp told me to stop

As that not supposed to bused for more then a week at a time as they can-cause colon bleeding and kidney failure so it like “ what do u use?” They all seem to have a SIDE EFFECT

Audy profile image
Audy in reply toLulububs

I have been taking Prune Juice and it seems to work at the moment and they sell big bottles at Morrisons too.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toAudy

Oh..man..did prunes..only three...has cramping..severe..and on toilet all day next day..maybe I'll try Apple or Prune juice..just don't want to be on toilet all day..I already do that on my Sunday Senna routine..😕😞

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toAudy

Is it still working..the prune juice? Does it just make you go once a day..or all day? How much do you take?

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs

Yes..I know what you mean. I just ordered a free trial bottle from U.K. online site..

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs

Rhubarb complex has Cascara in it..Cascara Is the same ingredient just a different name for Senna laxative. 😳 I got my free trial and called the company as it's very potent and sure enough..it is just as same as Senna that I take.

Jackson34 profile image
Jackson34 in reply toEliana5

Incorrect. Senna and Cascara are two totally different plants.

I have just looked at Rhubarb complex and it does not contain cascara

Sue0859 profile image

I've just had my 10 day trial delivered but as my IBS isn't playing up at present I thought I'd leave it until after Christmas 'just in case'. Good to hear it works for you.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toSue0859

Would you mind keeping us updated? I just ordered my free trial too..but going to take several weeks to get here as I'm in states, and you only get 10 capsules..

Sue0859 profile image
Sue0859 in reply toEliana5

OK, but I'm planning to wait until I get problems again before I try.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toSue0859

Is it working for you? Are you still taking it?

Sue0859 profile image
Sue0859 in reply toEliana5

Hi, no I took it for 4 days but had bad heartburn so decided not to continue. Hope it works for you.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toSue0859

No..gastro said "no"..

janetmtt profile image

supposed to be good for bloat - I got the free trial but been nervous to take it -did you get any side effects or reactions

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply tojanetmtt


Nope just finished my 10 day trial and it worked well for me.. it defo made me regular.

I would not take it if u have ibs d though as it made me go 2-3 time yesterday and i usually got once a week! So if u have the opposite problem could b a bit of a disaster 💩💩💩

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs

Hope you saw my post. I'm so excited!

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply tojanetmtt


janetmtt profile image
janetmtt in reply toEliana5

not sure why the link above was sent to me

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply tojanetmtt

It was a mistake..

Audy profile image

What is this and where can i get it please.?

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toAudy

I'll send you link..hang on..

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toAudy


janetmtt profile image

no IBS constipation - do you bloat -did it help

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply tojanetmtt


Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply tojanetmtt

Yes no bloat and it gave me a good colon cleanse. I was regular for first time in years without having to take any lax or stool softeners

mary3663 profile image

Be very careful if you take Rhubarb Complex I had to run to the look urgently a few times after taking these, they work like a laxative.

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply tomary3663

Yes same here but it does warn u that this can happen for first couple weeks until ur body get used to it

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs

Oh..gosh..I wish something could be find where we just go once a day..no "on the toilet all day..laxative thing" even for first few weeks as I have mandatory groups to go to. They wrote me back..it is a bit pricey..$36.00 in US funds and shipping costs. Can't afford. I was so excited too..back to the drawing board..😪

Pat1 profile image
Pat1 in reply toEliana5

If you are in the US you can get a product called AloeLax on amazon and is inexpensive. It works for me but I only take it occasionally. I looked up the Rhubarb product and the main ingredient that lets you go is Aloe Ferox which is a stimulant Laxative.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toPat1

Oooh..my gastro said "no aloe, if you get anything over the counter". Looks like Magnesium citrate capsules are the most natural and don't have you running back and forth all day. I take a lot of medications that are probably not the best for my kidney, but my blood work showed kidneys are fine..so I'll give the Magnesium another try..thanks! ☺

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLulububs

Hi, just wondered if you are going to continue with the rhubarb complex?

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toMaureen1958

Yes i am goin to keep on with the rhubarb complex . I have finished the 10 day trial And have ordered my next lot.

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLulububs

I hope it continues to work for you and makes life a bit easier for you. I received my free sample this morning so I just need to get up the courage to try it! :)

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toMaureen1958

It doesnt make me feel any difference it just makes me more regular!

Once u start taking it ur just go every

Morning ... it is good stuff

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLulububs

I don't really know what type of IBS I have. It used to be D but now I think it is A (alternating) or M (mixed). Each time I go I just want to go again. I try to keep it to three times a day but I'm in the loo for a long time each visit and the last one can be very long trying to get the last of it out. I was hoping this might get me empty quicker. Do you think it will do that without making me go even more and end up in the loo all day?

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toMaureen1958

Hmm i cant answer that for u as im ibs c so i just go once in morning and thats it...

It does seem to clear me out in that one time but my bowels are not ur bowels..

I can only speak from my point of view that it helps me go without giving me upset stomach.

As we know with any ibs symtoms some things work for someone but dont for others.

I would never go if i didnt take them...

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLulububs

Thanks for replying, I guess I will just have to bite the bullet and see what happens, perhaps a day when I don't have to do anything and my husband is around for support, if it all goes terribly wrong.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

Got my trial..called company. It has ginger, Capsaicin, Aloe Vera..and sadly Cascara..the same ingredient as the potent Senna-lax. Cascara is just another name for Senna. 😳

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

On the packet it says Rhubarb Powder, Ginger, Cayenne and Aloe Powder. So I am guessing the Capsaicin is from the Cayenne. Do I assume from that the Cascara is from the Rhubarb?

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toMaureen1958

Yes the cascara is the rhubarb.

It always been known that rhubarb is a laxative i remember my nan always making rhubard pie or crumble for me grandad coz he couldnt go 😂

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLulububs

Thanks for confirming that for me, Lulububs. It's odd how it works the opposite for me, story of my life! I think these things can be down to our genes or something because my mum told me her dad had problems and my dad's mum did. Apparently when my nan was in her 90s she was having problems and they told her they would be admitting her to hospital the next day, but she didn' t make because she died in the night. My mum said she was so scared of going into hospital that the family think it was the fear that killed her, or else she just felt she had had enough. She was a tough old bird.

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toMaureen1958

Ahh thats sad maureen. My nan is 92 and she is healthy old bird.

Long may she be to.

I have been taking the rhubarb complex for about 2 months now and i can honeslty say i have no side effects, no difference apart from im regular.

Jackson34 profile image
Jackson34 in reply toLulububs

I’m new on the forum and worried about the false information getting passed around. “Cascara is the Rhubarb” that is totally wrong. Cascara and Rhubarb are two totally different plants

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toJackson34


Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958


janetmtt profile image

great news

Maureen1958 profile image

Hi Lulububs, just wondered if you are still taking the rhubarb complex?

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toMaureen1958

Yes i still take them. I will all time now as it makes me regular

Maureen1958 profile image

That's really good. They kind of have the opposite effect on me. Very odd. But I haven't given up with them just yet, besides I have an unopened packet of 30 still to get through.

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toMaureen1958

Oh no! Thats strange... as rhubard is a natural laxative.

I only used to have a rhubarb crumble and i would go so it ideal for me...

I did use to have magnesium tablets but i wanted something bit more natural.

Are u on any medications? That could stop it from Working

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLulububs

Only thing I take is beta blockers for high blood pressure. I did phone Twenty First Century Herbs but they said that it happens to some people and to continue to take it on a daily basis. But I am not going to do that. I also spoke to someone on Twenty First Century's facebook page and she said the same was happening to her. But I'm taking it maybe two days week at the moment, just trying to see if I can use it to my advantage. I've got through a few days with just going once which is really good for me but then on other days I have felt awful by the evening (such as today) when I just feel I should have gone back to the toilet (like I have been doing for years) because I obviously did have more to come out. The trouble is I just always feel like I want to go, and the more I go the more I want to go, if you know what I mean.

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toMaureen1958

See my prob was i never went, literally ended up in hosp after two weeks and had impacted poop, it was awful the pain was horrific and it has made my colon really sensitive which is already bad enough with the ibs i had before.

So i have to make sure i “go” everyday.

These i take every night before bed with half pint water and i go as-soon as i wake up in morning which is great for me as then i dont have to worry about it all day.

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLulububs

It's really weird isn't it, that it has the opposite effect on us.

I decided to try it because I have always shied away from laxatives because when my IBS started it was IBS-D but over the years it has kind of changed to IBS-M, but it is never really hard little pellets or anything like that. But I wondered if I might have overflow happening so I thought as this was supposed to be a bit like a colon cleanse, I'd take the bull by the horns and give it a go expecting to be in the toilet all day. But I ended up going the three times like I normally do, but it was more difficult than it would normally be. So the next time I took it, I just tried NOT going back and that was better!

I am always saying to my husband that I am wired the wrong way round because things happen to me like this all the time. When they take by blood pressure and it's up they say "we'll take it again, it always go down a bit the second time" and I always say "mine doesn't, it goes up" and they just laugh at me and take it again and again and each time they take it, it goes up more!!!

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLulububs

I am just wondering if I should take it with more water. Do you take it with your evening meal or on its own before bed? I take it with my evening meal because they said it should be taken with food. But they didn't say anything about how much you should drink. Do you just take 1 capsule?

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toMaureen1958

Yeh i take one capsule before bed with half pint of water and by time i wake it ready, i got once and it is a full empty and that it job done.

I did used to take lactulose but it gave me bellyache all day whereas this doesnt ..

It just works for me so i cant really say anything more about it really.

I know u should always drink half pint before bed and first thing in morning anyway my gastro told me that as it helps bowel and will stop it being hard and pellety and make it more sloppy and easier to pass

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLulububs

Well thanks for all the info, I think I will just keep experimenting with it. I think it's one of the best things I have tried so thanks for posting about it or I wouldn't have known anything about it. I'll keep you posted.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

Read my replies on here if you are able. Senna the stimulant laxative I want to get off of, is another name for Cascara, the main ingredient in Rhubarb complex, both are natural stimulant laxatives, both are bad for colon long term.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs

Senna is a "natural" laxative too..made from Cascara..same ingredient on Rhubarb..but a laxative even natural ones like Senna and complex are still potent stimulant laxatives..and both can damage your colon long term..

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toEliana5

Its awful to say it but i dont care , i will result to anything to go to toilet coz i would rather take my chances on that then being admitted to hosp with 2 weeks of impacted poop and having to have a enema and literally being in so much pain they thought i had a perforated bowel where it was so full...

So if it any kind of laxative as long as i go im fine with it.

I dont take every day but it helps when i need it .. most days i take magnesium and that does the trick.

I have regular blood tests and everything is fine renal wise ..

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs

I understand..☺

Jackson34 profile image
Jackson34 in reply toEliana5

The information you give people is worryingly incorrect

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toJackson34

I don't think so..I back it up with links into reputable websites. Where is you're so awesome reply to this post?? And what makes you think you know more than others from a post written what 6 months ago? Who do you think you are??? Are you a Doctor or Gastroenterologist?? Colon and rectal specialist? Please. You really are full of yourself. Don't ever respond to me again. Your posts will be marked unread and deleted. Get a grip!

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toEliana5

I was thinking the same eliana5, where did that come ?? This was months ago

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs

I'm pretty sure I now know after thinking about it. Many people on here are also on Facebook. I deleted my profile on Facebook and Google+ in 2016).,I remember a Jacksonm (probably should not disclose his full name) but it was a man I met on there and Google+ that I did not want to communicate further with. It's been years ago. I guess he can't let it go or move on. I don't know why. He followed me..(I'm pretty sure this is the guy from Facebook to Google+ (now defunct). I felt he was either a scammer or playing games with me) so I stopped replying to his e-mails in 2016. I'm thinking it was him as he attacked me unfairly and no one else. It's all very strange.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs


Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toEliana5

It will

Not allow me to look at this post

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toLulububs

I'm sorry: try:

verywellhealth.com (make sure to put the Before it. For some reason when I copy the link for you, it is not including the

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toEliana5

Way i see it is...

I dont drink,take any medication not even painkillers, i dont eat gluten, dairy, red meat, processed food.

I go to yoga and gym 3 times a week so if i need a little laxative somewhere along the line im gona do it..

i dont have the sickness pay to have any more time of coz of this problem so if i have to take a laxative it no big deal for me

Alig1011 profile image

Did u get loose stools in the first few days of starting these tablets. I’m on day 2 & going to the loo a lot more than usual & quite loose at times x

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toAlig1011

Yes i did at first but now im back to normal, once a day. How many do u take a day? I only take one

Alig1011 profile image

I took 2 the 1st nite, then just 1 last night but my bowels r working overdrive this afternoon but I will stick with it I did think it was just my body adjusting thanks for replying x

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