Has anyone taken Xifaxan antibiotic for IBS/SIBO and what are your experiences with it? Did it help / cause any symptoms/ how long did it help / did you relapse eventually?
Xifaxan (Rifaximin) reviews : Has anyone taken... - IBS Network
Xifaxan (Rifaximin) reviews

Yes, I took a course of Rifaximin to treat SIBO about six weeks ago but unfortunately it didn't help. I did have a couple of good days half way through the course but that was all. Very disappointing as I'd read that it helps around 90% of people and it was difficult to get hold of. It didn't cause me any symptoms either but I would say that I'm probably worse now than before I took it !
Don't let me put you off though as anything is worth a try and you could be in the lucky 90% !
I had SIBO before (not now). I never had it before but got it after I had to take other antibiotics together with Omeprazole. Usually it is caused by the Omeprazole (atypical side effect). My GI Consultant’s (a very good Consultant ) decided that it was not a good idea to take the Rifaxan as it could potentially cause more pain for me than help. He thought it was a better idea to be careful with what I eat I e diet. In the end the SIBO went away on its own. Also I believe you would have to take the Rifaxan for a very long time (not just a week).
I haven't tried Xifaxan, but I do take Colestipol, which stopped my chronic diarrhea in it's tracks. Also, Welchol is another one that works wonders. Both are great...colestipol is cheaper over here in the US, though.
Good to know, did only one course do the trick or for how long has it stopped?
I have heard that a two week course of xifaran is most effective when followed by a strict diet. In particular stripping out sugars. The bacteria feed off sugars so you need to kill their food source. There is some good advice on the net about sibo diets.