I have been advised to take Caricol to help ease constipation, but as I follow the FODMAP diet, I am worried that the ingredients ( some are FODMAPS ) may make my situation worse. Any one tried this product whilst on FODMAP diet if so, did it help.
Hi has any one tried Caricol for IBS-C whilst ... - IBS Network
Hi has any one tried Caricol for IBS-C whilst on the FODMAP diet.

I am also IBSC and use caricol regularly and also follow a Low FODMAPS diet . I understand that caricol is predominately concentrated papaya which I understand is low FODMAPS. Yes it is effective for me and helpful with constipation
I forgot to say that a low FODMAPS diet is more effective for IBSD than IBSC as the diet tends o decrease the amount of fluid in the gut which is not helpful with constipation so anything that bulks stools and draws more fluid into the gut ie magnesium citrate or other osmotic agents will help also
Hi Huston thank you for your reply. Yes it is strange that low FODMAPS does help some people with IBS-C, if I do not keep to it, my tummy is much worse. I will try the Caricol, can you tell me if it starts to work the next day or does it take several days to make a difference.