I know i asked before but just wondered anyone out there experiencing what I am? As i am not convinced it is IBS or SIBO. I had a positive SIBO reading but trying to cure it via natural diet rather than antibiotics because i'm worried about that they might have been responsible in the first place. But my symptoms are unusual, I have constant pain, maybe 4/10 the day starts ok but gets worse. It starts as a dull ache that seems to make its way around to my lower back, and alternates between that and a burning feeling, even when i go for a walk it has a feeling like the stitch. I have more than regular flatulence and i do have constipation that is quite bad. The problem is that it does not really seem to be food related as i don't suddenly have to go running to the loo. The problem is i have had it over 6 months, i thought IBS was more spasmodic that that, ie sharp cramping pain that disappears. Like many of you I have had endoscopes and colonosopy, but its like my tummy feels inflamed but not bloated. I am trying FODMAP but no no avail, should i try the antibiotics for SIBO, im just not sure if i believe the whole SIBO thing. My problems started after i was put on a medication that I my age i should never have been put on, a drug for young people called Accutane, my Dermatologists never warned me about linls to IBD and IBS, just said you will be fine, for a mild skin disorder. I have been in constant pain since, I think it has messed up my intestinal permability and maybe my intestines are always lightly inflamed. My bloods come back good for liver, etc etc and no inflammatory markers, Im not going to just get on with it as the Drs tell me. Also have insomina so not sure if its all linked. Sorry for the rant..
Do this symptoms look like IBS or something else? - IBS Network
Do this symptoms look like IBS or something else?

Hi mine is pain constantly just above waist. No d or c. Are your cramps worse on walking.

Yes they are actually,
Hello your symptoms sound exactly like mine except for the back pain. My IBS as it’s been labelled started at the end of May with the onset of pain overnight. Pain that was worse than child birth that took me to A&E.
I have had all my bloods for everything tested three times, ultra sound , colonoscopy and all clear and fine. I was put on Ezsomaprosl for a bit but the Dr took me off of that after clear Colonoscopy.
My pain always starts on the right under my rib like a stitch and gets worse spreading through my tummy. It can last for up to 4 days or go within 24 hours. I can have weeks with nothing and then all of a sudden it will start.
I eat very simply now more or less the same foods . No gluten or dairy and have lost weight.
I still get anxious when the pain starts as like you I am not convinced. I am 56 and never had anything in my life like this before. I worry it’s something else?
Good luck on your journey, I sympathise.
Sorry just wanted to add the Dr thought that I had Gastritis that has lead to this. I take a bacteria as recommended by people on here called Alflorex .
Have you been checked for gallstones?
I haa as d had mine constant for three months!
I replied to a previous post of yours regarding visceral hypersensitivity. Nutritional therapists diagnosed me with SIBO too - the tests for this are not accurate - the treatments for it made me incredibly ill, they didn't make me better and it was the visceral hypersensitivity diagnosis that got me onto the road to recovery. I am also constipation dominant.
Both Linaclotide (which also works on constipation) and Alflorex probiotic have fixed this pain for me (except when I am reintroducing foods and the pain temporarily comes back until my body gets used to the food or I have to give up).
When you say it is not food related since it doesn't affect BMs, your pain CAN be caused by food alone and not alter your BMs. This is what happened in my case. Certain foods used to make the pain worse. In fact, to control the pain I ended up just eating white rice, protein and certain low fodmap vegetables to control it. The Alflorex had the biggest impact on this. In my case I believe the pain in large had a gut bacterial imbalance as a factor. My IBS started 33 years ago when I had food poisoning. This means the bad bug from food poisoning had been hanging around in my system for years. Some bad bugs produce hydrogen sulfide as a by-product which can induce intestinal pain. Bad bugs live off certain foods like we do - they get more energy from some foods than others - producing these by-products that can induce pain. This is why some people have food intolerances. The first port of call to try is to try to kick these bad bugs into touch with a strong probiotic like Alflorex that has been scientifically studied. This can also avoid having to be on a restricted diet for years to not feed those bad bugs. A lot of the foods that these bugs like, are really good for you.
When you say your pain has lasted 6 months - I had mine for 6 years! Please don't believe in the SIBO thing unless you are under the guidance of a fully qualified gastroenterlogist. True SIBO cases are rare.
Please read this about intestinal permeability / leaky gut:
It may be that Accutane has impacted your microbiome and you need a good probiotic to help you bring things back in balance. If you can find one that works for you (Alflorex helped me the best and I have tried others) and your symptoms are brought under control, you could then consider prebiotics to help your good gut bacteria flourish. If you try prebiotics without the probiotics first, you'll just end up feeding your bad gut bacteria causing more symptoms.
Sounds like ibs. If no blood in faeces then not cancer.sibo possibly like me just recently.Antibiotics to kill growth but i suspect also upset colon. Have you tried fodmap diet.?
There was a good nhs talk by 2 doctors on nhs website about ibs.