Hi everyone,
New to this forum, could anyone tell me please if any of you suffer from abdominal pain from ibs-d I have had terrible loose stools would say it's a 4 on the stool chart and can go from a 4 to 6 and 7 sometimes and sometimes it's explosive too. (Sorry)
I have just had a gastroscopy with 8 biopsies and it all came back clear. Today I seen Dr chatree at Sunderland royal, he's sending me for an mri for the pain (abdominal) and weight loss.
Have any of you had weight loss with ibs-d? I also have anxiety, I've had a handful of panic attacks over the last 4 month where I have lost my appetite and not eaten properly sometimes sloped meals.
I'm trying to eat as much as I can to try get the weight back on, but I just empty on a morning.
The pain in my abdomen is painful to touch sometimes like I have wind there could this be wind in my stomach?