*the important part is in the last second paragraph. I wrote the first one more as context for anyone that can be bothered to read! *
I have had blood tests, stool samples, a colonoscopy, and visited the doctor about 10 times but I still don't know what's wrong with me. All the test came back negative, so I assumed it I had ibs. At one point, I had the typically bloated belly and lots of gas moving around my intestines but that stopped and the pain moved mainly to my colon (I think). I had been doing the low fodmap diet for a while which didn't do much. Sometimes I would feel better and sometimes I wouldn't. Then I decided to fast for three days to just reset my system. I ended up getting constipated but decided that I must be better as constipation was the opposite issue to one I was having before!
So I started eating normally and even started having less pain in my colon. There was still something wrong, however. It wasn't pain but more just an uneasiness in my left side (not colon any more, more behind my "false ribs" extending around my back a bit). Then today I was doing yoga, twisted my body to the left and I felt some sudden sharp pain inside that spot under my false ribs. Almost like a muscle in there had been pulled. It's been hurting ever since and I'm really confused as to what the issue is. Hernia? Ibs? Just muscle pain? Could it be something to do with my kidney as the pain is closer to that now than before. Any advice is appreciated! I haven't felt normal for 7 months now. I would go to the doctors (again) but I'm in China for three months..