I've been in constant abdominal pain for the last 21 months, generally on a low level with occasional bad days causing time off from work.Because there have been times that the pain has increased dramatically, which appeared to be after eating something specific, my doctor sent me to a dietician putting me on the low-FODMAPS diet to test for intolerance. Unfortunately, due to the 7 weeks required, I have failed the diet 3 times already as my dietician told me that I have to be strict or it and I've messed up and had to start again (usually after around 5 weeks seeing no reduction in pain). A few days ago my abdominal pain increased dramatically and I've been feeling nauseous, when hungry, but I can't each much and then feel sick again and had diarrhoea. I'm now worried that this can't be IBS because all the info I've read doesn't seem to cover my symptoms. I'm worried I've been mis diagnosed as I seem to have symptoms of stomach cancer. If anyone can relate to these symptoms can you let me know! My doctor hasn't done other tests since putting me on the diet, only an ultrasound and blood tests, because she said she wants to see if the diet shoes IBS first but I'm worried now that my pain has increased that she's wrong.
Any advice would be great, permanently in fear now!