brutal flare up: Anyone else dread another flare... - IBS Network

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brutal flare up

binks profile image
26 Replies

Anyone else dread another flare up after a really bad one? I’ve just had what I think is the worst one I’ve ever had. The cramping pain was like childbirth! Not relieved by the resulting diarrhoea and a sleepless night. Constant cramps and nausea. The next day felt like I’d been run over by a bus. BMs still to pot 4 days later but a hell of a lot better than I was on Sunday night. The worst thing for me is the unpredictable nature of ibs. From normality to completely floored it just attacks out of the blue. I’m so fed up with it I feel quite depressed atm.

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binks profile image
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26 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

It is also possible that you had a virus, such as norovirus.

binks profile image
binks in reply to b1b1b1

I did wonder at the time but I didn’t feel sick (except the usual nausea) and the diarrhoea wasn’t lots - just excruciating cramps for the first two hours then unpleasant cramping all night.

I’m used to vile flare ups but this was particularly horrible. The next day I was totally exhausted and still suffering many trips to the loo which was mixed rabbit droppings and one short bout of the runs. It didn’t follow the virus picture so I’m now thinking ibs. Who knows x

Luisa22 profile image

I really hate bad IBS flare ups. Especially when most of the ones I've had just hit out of the blue and with no relation to what I've eaten, how I've slept, or any particular stress in my life. There is a sense of complete hopelessness and lack of control. I know how you must feel . It's very disheartening and depressing.

The only way I found is to endure, and to do my best to try to manage it by eating the plainest, blandest "binding" kinds of foods, taking some herbs, and just going through it and out the other side. I also take homeopathic remedies prescribed.

For me a bad flare up usually starts to subside in a couple of days, but sometimes I get a while with chronic-type symptoms that aren't an actual flare up, but are "sub-optimal gut behaviour" for want of better words. Then I will suddenly become normal ....for x amount of time which could be 1 day, a few days, or weeks on end! All with no rhyme or reason!

I'm hoping if you can carefully manage it you will get back to a kind of normal state soon.

But if it refuses to go, see the doctor. You could have bile acid malabsorption, and need something like cholestyramine to help.

binks profile image
binks in reply to Luisa22

thank you. I’m in the sub optimal phase now! What herbs do you use? I’ll try anything. I completely agree with you about there being no real reason for the flare ups and that’s one of the worst things about it. Re: your last post, a bad night of sleep for me makes things worse. It’s so odd that yours doesn’t! I can’t explain that at all! As soon as I lie down in bed, the churning starts as though the position of horizontal triggers movement and wind. Then when I sleep it stops - unless it’s a flare up and then it doesn’t and I can’t sleep. X

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to binks

I take "Tormentil" tincture which I buy from A. Vogel. It does help me a bit, slightly "binds" my tummy but I don't take it all the time, just when things get a bit worse. I have to watch out though that I don't take too much and swing too far the other way.

Blackberry leaf tea and Meadowsweet tea also help a tiny bit, but not strongly. I also drink peppermint tea.

binks profile image
binks in reply to Luisa22

My problem as well as ibs, is pelvic floor dysfunction which stems from a difficult birth 25 years ago! Consequently I had a rectocele repair and hysterectomy 14 years ago which was successful. But I also have IBS C if I don't take something. Coupled with the pelvic floor issues, the constipation would get out of control of I didn't take a laxative daily. And I do get fed up with being advised about diet to combat this. I eat healthily and am not overweight - I exercise and do all the things I'm supposed to do but I have a problem. So anything which might bind things is probably not a good idea for me. The nightmare is the flare ups which end up with horrific cramps and D but temporarily. I do drink peppermint tea and blackberry leaf tea sounds yummy so I'm going to get some xx

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to binks

Oh right, I see. so no, don't take anything binding at all. I was meaning for IBS D really. You need to keep things moving.

You have been through a lot, and I hope you feel better soon.

GKT1969 profile image

so sorry to hear about your flare up. I know the feeling. In fact I can honestly say I’ve been encountering an enduring flare up that lasts every day from when I wake up until I fall asleep. Severe cramping and build up of stool with the occasional squeezed (rest laptop below my naval) BM which is loose p, mushy and mostly undigested food, But I hardly eat so do not know where all the stool is coming from. I had a CT scan last week which showed moderate stool retention but considering my weight has halved in the past 6 months due to lack of real food then this stool is excessive and keeps on building up. The pain is constant and unrelenting. My mental health has deteriorated to a point I won’t discuss on this forum. Someone must be able to provide some help in only for some brief relief and just a moment of feeling normal. I feel your pain everyone, it’s heartbreaking

binks profile image
binks in reply to GKT1969

I am so sorry. I completely identify with your feelings of futility. I am depressed because every day is a struggle with this. It’s not just gut issues, it’s the exhaustion, nausea and general anxiety about it all that piles up. My range of acceptable foods is just getting smaller as I get older. I’m 63 and have had ibs for 30 years but never as bad as this. Just had more tests and on and on it goes x

Dollymae06 profile image
Dollymae06 in reply to binks

Sorry to hear you are suffering I am 68 and suffer bowel incontinence then I can be constipated it is so disabilitating and I have anxiety and depression. I take Mebeverine before meals and Loperamide a half tablet daily. I researched and found out that a Consultant recommended Alflorex to his patients I've been using this the chewable tablets for around 5 weeks I chew one every night before bed. I can honestly say I have been much better I don't get any side effects either. Give it a try you have nothing to lose hope it helps you too.

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to GKT1969

I am so sorry about what you are going through. It's truly horrible for you and very depressing. I don't think anyone who hasn't had IBS would have a clue what this is like. Wishing you some better days to come. Is your doctor any use?

Jackie1612 profile image

Hi Binks to hear that you have been going through this. You are right – IBS is so unpredictable. Although now, I do not seem to have any periods of normality. I am consulting a medical herbalist who was recommended, but it’s early days yet. She also told me to come off omeprazole slowly and to eat my main meal at midday wherever possible.

binks profile image
binks in reply to Jackie1612

I have to take losec and have done for years. But I have it down to 10mg for two days then one day off which is what they call a sub therapeutic dose- but it works for my gerd so can’t stop. I’m sure it doesn’t help my ibs x

CalRW profile image

Hi. I’ve had IBS for years and recently had a terrible flare up. I was out walking with my family when the pain and bloating came on with such strength I almost passed out. I’ve only experienced that severity once before after eating sourdough bread. I ended up taking paracetamol in desperation as we were out in the countryside which helped a little thank goodness although I’ve not tried taking a painkiller for IBS pain before. I realised I’d actually eaten some sourdough again the day before so hopefully I’ve found the culprit! This was two weeks ago and I feel I’m still recovering by taking Mebeverine and wearing looser clothes. Like you binks I absolutely dread another flare up like that one - I really thought I must have something seriously wrong and worry it might happen again when I go abroad later this year. Of course as we know worry doesn’t help IBS! Hope you feel much better soon 😊.

Winke profile image

Sorry to hear about your problems but keep on fighting Hope you have a better Year

Oribow7 profile image

Hi there Bink's, I really feel your pain. That is just how l describe my cramps, like childbirth, but you don't get a nice little baby at the end of it! I'm just back from the GP as I've started getting painful headaches each time l have a flare-up and sometimes on their own. What has the doctor prescribed, Naproxen, pain killers. I'm sure I've had them in the past and they upset my tum, can't win!! I can definitely mirror your symptoms and I'm sorry to hear you're suffering too, but glad you have had some improvement. Sending gentle hugs 🤗 x

Lt63 profile image

same here for me. I had a flareup for three months before. I’m gonna go to a gastrologist because there’s a medication for the cramping pain that I’m gonna try. I eat a yogurt every morning and try and watch what I eat. I’ve been drinking carbonated soda which seems to help, and Imodium. Stress is my trigger.

binks profile image
binks in reply to Lt63

When you get the name of the cramping meds, let's have it! Buscopan is pretty useless for me now. There's another one called Mebeverine which is also useless. For me that is, others might find they work. Or it might be another one....

Lt63 profile image
Lt63 in reply to binks

I’m going to ask my doctor about Hyoscyamine . I’ll give updates on how it works for me.

MiRiderGirl profile image

Totally understand. My flares tend to be when we travel, particularly long distances. Persuaded hubby that a region 3 hours from us (and closer to family, events etc) would be a good place to retire to. Therefore, now we are going to be travelling there regularly whilst we look for the right house. Were there last weekend and on the 2nd night I had a horrible flare (but I vomited 3 times, which is not typical, so thinking perhaps Novovirus?). We go again next week - and will have mum staying with us for 3 nights - and I am trying to keep calm and rest, but …..

binks profile image
binks in reply to MiRiderGirl

Oh God that sounds awful. My bout last weekend was as bad as I've had before but in a slightly different way and so I am puzzled as to whether it was a virus. My head is telling me it was IBS. When the pain gets so bad though, I could easily be sick. I start sweating and the nausea is horrendous (sounds lovely doesn't it!) My daughters live in London which is a 3-4 hour drive for us and I dread it every time - I know how that feels.

Moonchild23 profile image

Those are the worst :( I found a TENS machine (the period pain type) gave me a little relief.

Persephone456 profile image

Hi that is exactly how l get it. If you don't suffer with IBS you cannot conceive how awful it is. The pain is crippling. I've managed to reduce my attacks by constantly reviewing my diet. I learn something new about it almost every day! Read everything you can about it and most importantly listen to your body. Never eat the same foods every day, I've found I can tolerate certain foods as long as I only eat them once so if I make a chicken casserole I never have it 2 days on the run. Learn as much as you can about foods containing a lot of soluble fibre because they are the safest way to get the fibre you need. They form a gel which helps you poo more easily. It's so easy to feel desperate about this condition but honestly you can begin to feel less threatened by it by educating yourself about this ghastly debilitating condition. There was a time when I wouldn't travel, was anxious, having panic attacks if I couldn't find a toilet so I sympathise massively.

binks profile image
binks in reply to Persephone456

I totally agree with the same foods issue. Apart from some fruit and veg which I know I can tolerate, I don't eat the same evening meal the next day - I freeze stuff instead. I just don't get why we have a short respite from this and then wham, for no reason it strikes out of the blue. But then that's ibs.

I used to be able to eat sweetcorn (only from a can), and puy lentils but now both of them are a complete no. I sometimes get what I can only describe as a mild cramping all night which is more like a squeezing feeling in my abdomen. That version isn't agony but just horrible and makes me feel a bit sick.

Starseed67 profile image

Since I started following medical mediums protocol I've not had a single flare up x

XDjames profile image

Binks, I don't think I replied. I recognise many of the things you're going through; thank god so far I don't get nausea. I remember back in the day maxolon was good for that. I pray for a good c**p with a lot of released wind.

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