Hi Everyone, not sure if this is the right group to post in but i am at my whits end.
It all started in March this year, lower left abdo pain that at times has crippled me. I went for a pelvic ultra sound and had bloods done but all was clear apart from some free fluid around my uterus which the doctors weren't concerned with.
End of April and i had started noticing changes to my bowel habits. Not to be too open but i used to be regular, once in the morning and once in the evening, now i am barely going at all. I have been given Fibrogel (not sure how to spell), laxido, senna and ibs relief tablets all to no avail.
If i have gone it has been very small passing's, not painful but are covered in mucus some float and some dont.
I am at my whits end, the doctors have basically given up and said it is just something i will have to adapt to. How can i adapt when i am in so much pain.
The pain has not lessened in any way, i get up and go to work because i have no choice, but how can they do a scan at the beginning then things change (bowels) and not be concerned?
it seems as if they are focused on giving me all the laxatives to try but not on the pain that started before the changes?
I am really unsure what to do. If any of you can shed any light on what i am experiencing i would be so grateful.