I'm hoping someone may recognise my symptoms and be able to give me some ideas. I have left side abdo pain to the left of my belly button and up a bit. This is permanent at a low level but does get worse some days and also just flares as though someone has punched me with no warning. I have been to hospital twice in November - told constipated despite me going regularly and twice in March where they told me to wait for the consultants appointments. Each time they stabilise the pain (usually massive doses of Buscopan and Diclofenac) and send me home. I live on combinations of Buscopan, Tramadol and paracetomol. Pain is unpredictable, is not linked to dairy or wheat - last 2 hospital visits I was wheat free. There is no pattern to the pain. I take Laxido (macrogol) every other day. I do lose some mucus. I don't seem to get diarrhoea or constipated when taking the Laxido. Pain does not change when I go to the loo.
I had a laproscopy 2 years ago following a similar spell and they removed adhesions from my bowel which pulled it out of line. Discharged immediately following op with no follow up. They were investigating the possibility of endometriosis but said none seen.
I have had a CT scan which showed small kidney stones but causing no obstructions - to go back to urology in 6 monts. A barium enema which showed no abnormalities - to go back some time in June. I am referred to gynae as A&E Dr suggested endometriosis again.
I got desperate and saw a GP who is going to send to colo-rectal and gynae to say she thinks I need to be put on the urgent list as I have not had a pain free day since the start of this year. The least discomfort I had was when my system was empty ready for the barium enma.
Going slowly mad with all the appointments and pain. My handbag looks like a pharmacy!