I have just been through every test possible for my stomach. I am a busy mom of 4 and after a few days of clearing out after being constipated, I found this knot feeling in my stomach. It feels like hunger, but it doesn't go away after I eat. It doesn't go away at all. It's not really a pain but a gnawing, almost like it's about to growl from hunger but it never happens. Or that a big burp would relieve it, but no matter how much I burp...the knot is still there.
He suggested IBS
So I went to the ER because I hadn't been able to eat at all and so they did a CT scan (clear), abdominal ultrasound to look at gall bladder (normal), bloodwork (normal). They told me to follow up wth a GI. They began me on Prilosec for 2 weeks with no change. They did an endoscopy on Monday and said I was the picture of health. No issues at all.
This all leads me to wonder if this is all just anxiety and the unknown of it makes me more anxious which just compounds the issue.
I do have IBS but it's usually lower GI related. I've never had heartburn in my life so I don't know if that's what it is, but you'd think the Prilosec would be helping if it was.
I have been off all anxiety meds for 4 years, so I'm really not wanting to go back on meds...but if it's going to mess me up this much...maybe I need to.