Hi there
A consultant recommended me to this site.
For 7 months I have had a swelled belly, looks like I am pregnant but being male lol. I have no pain or discomfort though.
Been to my GP and a Gastroenterologist. They did a physical examination on my abdomen and said it felt fine. My GP give me various IBS medication (Colofac, Buscopan, Colpermin) but I don't feel any effect from taking them. Was even given Omeprazole as one GP thought it would reduce the gas.
My GP recommended probiotic drinks to reduce passing wind also.
Also had stool tests, faecal tests, blood tests, celiac test and all came back normal. The consultant suspected inflammation but that was not the case either and he concludes IBS.
One GP wanted me to take a endoscopy but my other GP said no to this and so did the consultant.
The worst its been is going to the toilet to pass stool upto 5 times per day. Each time only only being able to pass a bit. This has gradually gotten better and now I'm only going 2 times a day now. Also been passing a lot of wind.
I'm just really fed up of looking like I have a huge belly when I only weigh 65kg. I go to the gym every day for a good workout.
Not sure how this all started. I just remember feeling bloated and gasy and the next thing I knew I had a big belly and its remained like that ever since.
Does anyone know what is inside my belly to cause this swelling? One GP said it was just air as my intestines are having a functional problem and being sluggish. So food isn't passing through normally and hence a lot of air is trapped.
Do I really have IBS and has anyone been in the same situation of looking like they have a big belly constantly with no side affects like discomfort or pain?
Any advice would be appreciated. I am thinking of joining the IBS network too.
Thank you