Hi all, my first posting and would like some advice, feedback for my problem please.
Main problem started about 3.5 weeks ago with cramping pains lower abdomen and not being able to relieve it by going to the loo. Since then experienced having the need for a BM soon after waking in the morning. Then felt OK til later in the day when got feeling of heaviness/ wind in lower abdomen. Uncomfortable and sometimes getting a feeling of dread and increased pulse rate before it eventually passes (without BM). The last couple of days have been different. Wanting to have BM after getting up but constipated (managing a forced amount and then a bit better later on in the afternoon)
Had a bowel blood screening last August which was fine, no bleeding, bit of weight loss but maybe because I cut out crisps and biscuits and reduced alcohol a bit. Without the discomfort I feel fine, have energy and an appetite.
GP sent me for blood tests and says might be IBS or Coeliac.
Any thoughts IBS, Coeliac, Cancer?
PS I'm 65