Hi everyone!
I've only just joined the forum and am looking for some advice.
I haven't been officially diagnosed with IBS yet but i have a lot of symptoms.
It first started at least 4-5 years ago but i never really gave it much thought. I also have an overactive thyroid and just assumed it had something to do with that.
I finally told my doctor about it and she said after feeling my stomach that it could be very mild IBS. i never mentioned it again to her as the symptoms went away.
A few months later after moving home the symptoms returned and with a vengeance. I was scared to go out anywhere for fear of needing the toilet and not being near one. I have had a few close calls but luckily got home or to a loo before it was too late.
Since January this year it's felt like a constant. It never seems to flare up that much when i'm at home but when i'm out and about it happens every time... almost on a daily basis i'm rushing to find a loo to avoid the embarrassment.
Since i moved to my new doctors, i informed her straight away about the symptoms i'd been having and that my previous doctor thought it was very mild IBS and that's when the tests started. Celiac's and Crohn's have been ruled out so my doctor is working on the assumption that it's likely IBS. I have an ultrasound scan booked for the 23rd to hopefully finally find out.
When researching IBS online i found that i have the Stomach Pains, Diahorrea, Constipation, Bloating and Swelling of my Stomach, Urgent need to go to the loo, Feeling that i haven't fully emptied my Bowels, I only have problems with wind once i've been to the loo. Lack of energy ( could be down to low levels of Iron, Folate & Vit D)
I haven't noticed any food triggers. foods that cause it once don't always seem to cause it again. it can happen when i haven't eaten that day and when "pressure" is put on my stomach through lying on my stomach or if my Jeans/Trousers push into it.
Does it sound like i have IBS?, Anyone have any advice for dealing with the flare ups and keeping them to a minimum especially when i 'm not at home or close to a loo?
I've got too wait about a month before my next doctors appointment and that's a long time to wait with these symptoms.
Any advice/help will be greatly appreciated