I've been getting a pain in my left side for about 3/6 months it feels like a stitch it runs along my left side waist up under my rib cage.Ive recently had gallbladder removed suffer from IBS drink coffee but I'm not showing any signs ie bleeding from the rear no blood in urine not losing weight eating normally my doctor done a test for kidney stones and that was fine it just brings me down as soon as get up in mornings within an hour the pain is there etc any ideas out there
Left side pain like a continous stitch - IBS Network
Left side pain like a continous stitch

Wow. I couldnt believe it when I read your post. I have exactly the same thing. Mine is continual niggling stitch like pain that sometimes moves along under the left ribcage. Sometimes I get a gurgling sound there as well. Apart from that I suffer with bloating and noisy stomach but no diaoreah or constipation. It has been driving me mad!
I have been to my GP who is sure that it is gas getting trapped in the splenic flexure( the bit of the colon where it makes a downturn) and nothing to worry about. I am altering my diet and that is helping. Because I am paranoid and because there is colon cancer in my family he is sending me for a non urgent colonoscopy. I have just turned 60 so have done the bowel cancer screening test and that was clear.
I recently asked your question on here and there were another couple of people who had the same problem so they may reply too.
I think it was worrying me because it was a pain in a specific place and wasnt going away. Your spleen is in that area so its worth going to doc for examination. He couldnt feel my spleen so ruled out that as the problem.
Good luck. I will be interested to know how you go on.
Jane x
Thank you Jane at least it's giving me some sort of info to look at I'm 63 yes old and have history of cancer etc in the family it's worry I'm due to see doctor on the 24th and will keep in touch
How have you changed your diet. It’s so frustrating I suffer with a lactose intolerance and bloating. Any help will be greatly appreciated
I know this was a long time ago just wondering did you get to the bottom of it as I have this pain too? X did the diet help? X
Hi. I had a colon scan which showed diverticulitis but nothing else. I did my own version of the fodmap diet and In fact I did have a fairly restricted diet for a long time but gradually the pain stopped being constant and I began to feel better. For about 6 months now my diet has been more or less back to normal and although I sometimes have the pain it is only if I overindulge. Other things that helped included not wearing fitted waist bands using a hot water bottle at the first sign of pain and not sitting in a crouched position. I feel that it may have been trapped waste and gas getting trapped in the splenic flexure. Using a hot water bottle I think relaxes the colon and allows it to pass. Hope that helps. X
Thank you for replying
I am not diagnosed but back and fourth the GP.
Had 2 stool samples done and a full blood count and all normal. However this pain gets to me and sometimes I feel my intestines gurgling.
I have another GP appointment hopefully now they will refer me.
My stomach gurgles really badly too. You do sound really similar to me. Hope all goes well. X
I cannot believe this post just popped up on my feed!! I have literally been having this same issue since December 2019 and described it in your exact words - a stitch like feeling on the left side that travels all the way up to my stomach and around my waist. I've also self diagnosed myself with diverticulitis! I've been going back and forth to the GP, had blood tests done which showed nothing, ultrasound showed nothing, and stool test two weeks ago which showed H Pylori. Took antibiotics for that but this left sided pain hasn't eased in the slightest.
Please can I message you privately?
Sorry to hear this I’m sat here right now and my bowels are making all sort of noises and stitch/cramp pain xxx
Yes of course. X
I have been experiencing something so similar. Pain under both sides of ribcage that is in the back as well, even feels tender to the touch. Sometimes it felt like a rubber band around it. It is concentrated on the left side more though it seems. I had endo, colonoscopy, abdominal ct and a lung X-ray and all was normal, except I have hiatal hernia and gerd that I have had for years and I had a bout of ecoli back in dec. it’s so uncomfortable they though costochondritis but it’s not acting like it it doesn’t hurt when I breathe and I don’t feel it in the front of my chest much at all. I’m on keflax now in case there is still bacteria but no one know what to do with me???
Hi buddy , have you find any relief, please help i am dealing with the same pain
I have been suffering the same pain since my gallbladder came out seven years ago. It also affects me in my back, around my left shoulder blade. I've had lots of tests but no answers. The strength of the pain ebbs and flows, it's worse a couple of hours after eating and certain foods seem to affect it more than others. I hope you get some answers and if you do, please share them on this site as I would love some too! Incidentally, I gave up the coffee but it made no difference. Good luck!
Hi Harry boy, this was the pain which started me off, 18months ago! I had had a dodgy tummy for years but just put it down to the way I was, and lived with it.
However, that pain was awful!! It is wind, and gets trapped at the upper part of the colon, the colonic stricture. You really need to have everything else eliminated, through colonoscopy, ct scan, blood tests, etc. I also had an endoscopy and barium swallow because I got so depressed and worried about "that pain" amongst other things.
Something you are eating will be setting it off. Possibly more than one thing. See a sympathetic doctor (easier said than done) look into the low FODMAP diet which you may find immensely helpful. It's not easy though, and this thing will undoubtedly change your life, at least until it all settles.
Not one of the preparations said to ease Ibs worked for me. Twisting and stretching yoga movements are fantastic. And definitely give relief. It's only when your diet and you calm down that you will see an improvement.
All the very best, this site is wonderful.
No biker
Hi. I have the exact same thing. I was very worried too as there is colon cancer in my family. To put your mind at ease, I had a colonoscopy and the Dr. Said the problem is caused by fad getting trapped at the splenic flexure( the area where the transverse colon bends downward into the descending colon. Some people have a "tight" bend there.
Hi, I'm always getting pain in my left side, but I have diverticular disease. Does anyone else get this. Quick sharp pains . Thanks
Yes, I get this pain also. I too have diverticular disease, and am scheduled for surgery on May 24, 2018. I have been on a clear liquid diet for the past three weeks, and the pain has not gone away. It's not as severe as when I had my diverticulitis attack three weeks ago, but it's still there all the time. It feels like when you run and get a stitch under your ribcage. I do not know how to get rid of it, and it's so uncomfortable I can't even lay down.
I'm going for a virtual colonoscopy , surgeon i saw seemed against surgery, he said they only do,it for emergencies, like abscess etc. Where is your diverticular ? Is it just in sigmoid colon . Or in other areas as well . I had a colonoscopy two,years ago which showed severe diverticular in sigmoid colon . So don't know if it's anywhere else yet , until this colonoscopy . Hope your surgery goes well, and would like to know,how you get on.
Yes, sigmoid. Had it for 8 years, and over two dozen infections, two hospitalizations, three colonoscopies, and tons of antibiotics. In reality I believe that I have only had one long infection that several different antibiotics have not fully kicked out, and to which now I have sadly become allergic to (I break out in huge hives). I have tried my best to avoid this surgery (agued with my doctor who advised it), but the last infection was a doozie, and they wanted me back in the hospital again for IV fluids, and nothing by mouth for a few days, but I managed to deal with it at home with a new prescription (clyndamyacin) and clear fluids. My doctor recently referred me to a colorectal surgeon who I trust, and feel comfortable with. I almost had it done four years ago, but didn't feel good about the surgeon and backed out, and have just dealt with it as best I could. As for your surgeon telling you that they do not do surgery until you get an abscess or present as an emergency....Well, I am not sure where you are located, but here in the US, they explained it to me this way...We don't want you coming into the ER with a big hole in your colon, as that kind of surgery would run you as high as $70,000 with no guarantee you're going to survive the ordeal or wake up with a permanent bag. Elective runs about $9,000 and your colon is cleaned out, and in decent shape to work on when you go into the operating room. I am originally from England, so not sure how much it would cost the NHS to do elective. I hope your virtual gives you more answers to your particular situation, and I wish you good health. If all goes well for me, I will be back to let you know how it all went.
I live in U.K. . So,don't have to pay. Waiting for my appt for virtual colonoscopy. Hope,all,goes well with your surgery and yes do,let me know how it all goes. Good luck . Pat.
Well. Its been three days after surgery, and I am up and walking around my house slowly and carefully. I am sore, but not in any serious pain. I am eating normal foods, I started with soft foods like baked twice potatoes, grits, organic Yogurt and hummas. I am having no problems so far. My surgeon did it with assisted robot, and I have only got 5 small incisions. I am so grateful to be rid of that infected piece of bowel.
thanks for letting me know, pleased the surgery went well. Just take it easy and let it heal. Keep in touch. I’ve got a virtual colonoscopy on Friday . Speak soon.
Oh.... I forgot to mention. My surgeon discovered that my left ovary and fallopian tube had wrapped itself around the piece of bowel that was constantly inflamed. I asked if it was a fissure, but she said no, just tangled. She said that it was a devil of a job untangling it, but she took her time and managed to free it up, so now I know where that feeling of being in labor came from that I used to get with a flare-up. I was thinking this could have been caused by an old infection I had when I was 25 and newly married. I was diagnosed with Staph induced Salpingitis, and was hospitalized in St Pancreas Women's Hosp. London for two weeks back in 1974. My Gyn told me I would probably not be able to have children due to the scaring, but I went on to have 5 babies after having a procedure to blow air into each tube. I am wishing you a great outcome for your virtual Friday, please let me know how you are doing when you get time.
Will do.
I am having a flare up at tbe moment. . I have had a much better few months but now it is back and I cant think why. The pain is constantly there in varying degrees of intensity and is beginning to get me down. I have decided to go privately to see a dietician. Ive done the fodmap diet and things did improve and the pain even went away for a while but I havnt changed my diet and its back!
Fingers crossed that the dietician has some further ideas. X
I had this along with IBS D. I’ve been sugar free for about 6 weeks and this seems to have cleared up all my symptoms. I’ve had cake in office today as I needed a wake up and it was the only thing to hand and it’s started up again. The consultant seems to think I had a lot of inflammation but didn’t show any signs of anything when a colonoscopy was done. Try eliminating different food groups and hopefully you might find a trigger. Good Luck xx
Going sugar free has helped me enormously and when I lapse, I usually suffer afterwards to some degree or other.
I started with a pain in my back and went round to the front ribs and right hand side and the pain was so horrible I have scans and mri done and nothing came up dc even tried me on a few its meds even tho I was able to go to the toilet fine and then stomach meds but they didn't work either and this went on for months and then my son moved out I noticed the pain started to reduce which I thought could it be linked like stress which had me thinking and I couldn't belive it my daught thought she could act up like he did and the pain was back I felt sick couldn't eat weight loss loose bowls and I've kept a record of this now and when am stressed out to the max it's there and when am not am completely normal ... the pain the sometimes varied between feeling like a constant stich or sharp or even dull feeling sometime it hurt when I breathed in and sleep was terrible with it ... and tonight I had so much bad stress today caused by my husband an child this pain came back so bad that evertime I see or hear them I feel so sick with the pain .... so this might be a question to you all that havnt been able to get a diagnosis could it be stress or anxiety related in your life thats causing your problem ...
I'm in the UK and unsure whether to push for a virtual colonoscopy (as they can't do biopsies during that), regular colonoscopy or CT/MRI scans of the abdomen. What has everyone's outcomes been like? I've been in pain everyday for 6 months on my left side.