Hi there, I have developed a stich like pain left side feels like inbetween bottom of ribs and behind pelvis hurts if I press hard. Any ibs sufferers experience the same?
Stitch like pain left side: Hi there, I have... - IBS Network
Stitch like pain left side

Hi Harveyp, does this pain come and go or is it constant? I've had pain just below my ribs on the left side that can last for a few minutes but then it goes, so I can only assume it's gas.
Hi, no it seems constant, not really painfully unless I press on area.I had a colonoscopy 3 weeks ago which I have to have again as doctor said poor prexaltation. Pain started about a week after that
I get it under left rib always ( sorry tmi) when im getting ready to poop!! It starts there and then Works way down and il get stitch till i got then about 10-15 mins after? Weird.
It can also b indigestion, peppermint oil capsules work a treat
Hi, thanks for reply but this pain doesn't go away. Was having back pains and soft stools for a few months and that's why I had a colonoscopy,but pain in this area only happened very recently.doctor gave me buscopan but doesn't do anything. Waiting for another colonoscopy appointment.
Hello I have stitch almost constantly Right side behind lower rib. GP told me to get bak on Omaprazole or Renatadine. I am not ding that as I think I have improved since stopping them. Its worse when I need the loo. Colonoscopy showed nothing. Can't keep going back to GP as it gets me nowhere .
Hi Harvey, I highly recommend you visit go into an NHS Walk- in centre or your doctor because sounds like UTI symptoms.
Had an ultrasound abdomen and kidneys clear. Still constant dull ache behind and in front of left pelvic area and still soft stools. Doctor thinks ibsd but had this constant ache for ages now and not heard anyone with ibsd with constant ache
I had it low left side excruciating pain dull ache like toothache but you cannot ignore it too bad .blood in stools on n off as bad constipation for years straining fit test positive so now I'm convinced I've got colon cancer ...health anxiety does this to you ...pain didnt let up so now on naproxen going crazy with nerves almost crying at every opportunity...ct scan showed no problems in colon tiny cyst in pancreas 5mm..so back in 12 months for check it's not changed. Gp thinks its ibs however now I've changed my diet to more fibre lots of fresh fruit ..no more pain for now and going loo everyday...so sometimes it takes just small changes well in my case ...not had the pain again I'm sure my brain went into over drive thinking I had something sinister ...you should always check symptoms though with your gp and push for tests I'm lucky my gp is very pro active ..good luck everyone ❤❤