I was diagnosed with IBS 25 years ago, had my gall bladder surgically removed 8 years ago, and have dealt with a daily routine of at least 6 episodes of diarrhea every day since the gall bladder surgery. My left side has been hurting for 25 years and now I’m also dealing with eosinophilia asthma and nightly red hot facial flashes that are not menopause related,m (no sweats) and they make my face literally hurt like a sunburn for around 4 hours every night. When I lay on my left side, it feels like I’m laying on a rock. Drs don’t seem to know or care to find out what’s going on, and I’m getting scared and desperate for answers. I’m seeing info about carcinoid syndrome but I had a ct scan 2 months ago that showed nothing wrong in my left side. What kind of specialist should I pursue? Thank you.
left side pain for decades: I was diagnosed with... - IBS Network
left side pain for decades

it very much sounds like bowel problems, I may be wrong but I had similar symptoms & eventually I ended up with a stoma😰 pains left side , flushes& burning sensations😰 could be colitis even , I had so many c t scans, MRI,s until I had the easiest scan of all which was a pet scan, bowel had fused itself to vagina😰 BUT I,m not say that will happen to you but I do wonder if your bowel has fused to something inside your tummy, hope you get answers, keep on pushing because hospitals DO NOT listen😡
Hi. I've had this pain on the left for two years now. I went from gastroentologist to gynecologist to psychiatrist ( for bereavement related nerve pain) to pain specialist.. no one found anything. I have done my own research and worked to let my gut and inside heal through diet and i feel bit better
I’ve had left side pain for almost 10 years and I get the feeling like lying on a rock! However my doctors told me if they can’t find anything then I see a neuropsychiatrist as it could be triggered by anxiety or stress. My doctor wasn’t wrong. GOODLUCK
I have had pain on my left side intermittently, but mostly in some form for about 20 years. For me, it took ages to get it diagnosed as i had multiple colonoscopies that couldn't find anything. But finally it was discovered that i had inflammation in my small intestine. The colonoscopy doesn't explore into there. I had to get what's called a pill cam. I also get a range of strange symptoms when the inflammation is happening. The pain is the obvious one but i get hot and cold flushes and exhausting fatigue which makes me just want to lay down and sleep. If you're out of avenues to explore you could try asking your doctor whether it could be your small intestine.
You did the right thing getting scanned , and hope that puts your mind at ease. Have you had any blood work done? I ask because Lymphomas ( blood cancers) can cause the sweating, ( but I really dont think its that) and it will also put your mind at ease to rule all these things out . It all sounds related to IBS though . All you describe, I have had myself. I have had IBS for about 25 years now , and have had every symptom and test one could have . No fun. My thoughts are with you
Maybe you have adhesions from the surgery to remove your gall bladder? You could also try a S I B O diet - in case you have small bowel bad bacteria overgrowth. This will do no harm but might help. Good luck
Hi There, did you ever find out with was going on?