I have suffered with Ibs for many years. I had the antibiotics for h py a few years ago. Can H Py return after this treatment. Is there a connection between H P and IBS?
Ibs d: I have suffered with Ibs for many years... - IBS Network
Ibs d

Interestingly enough there was a small discussion about H. pylori a few days ago - healthunlocked.com/theibsne...
I'm not certain if H. pylori can return. According to a webpage I've just read by the British Society of Gastroenterology, you're unlikely to get it in adulthood (it's normally acquired in childhood) and if it didn't clear up after the first treatment I reckon you'd probably know now, so my guess would be if it's gone, it's probably still gone although I don't suppose there's any harm in having another test.
Is there a connection between the bacteria and IBS? Yes, but only a correlation at the moment. And as any scientist will tell you: correlation doesn't equal causation. In a couple of research papers I found, IBS patients were more likely to have H. pylori than non-sufferers, but this isn't enough to prove IBS is caused by having H. pylori.
Hi patient, it was me that put on the post re H. pylori. I have been suffering a lot more lately, particularly last night when a bad bout of IBS kept me awake feeling awful for quite a while and I think I hit the nail on the head by looking at what I had to eat at lunchtime, a cheese and onion Panini. I don't eat onions much and realised that there were a lot of onions in that Panini that I have just put two and two together - I won't be eating onions again - I know they are one of the worst things you can eat when suffering with IBS.
It was because I have been suffering a lot more lately that has pushed me to mention it when going to the doctors last week for a regular smear test - I said to the Nurse Practitioner that I am absolutely fed up with it now, I've had it for nearly 21 years. I said to her about reading article on here from the American Doctor and she knew exactly what I was talking about and was excellent.
Re my post - my test isn't back yet so I will be phoning the doctors again tomorrow to see if they are back. I will keep all posted on here on how I get on.
Good luck to one and all.
I don't know if there is a connection, but it seems probable as so many people suffer both. I had hp a few years ago like you, and eventually got rid of it after two lots of antibiotics. From what I hear, it can definitely return so maybe best to have a second test.
Hi I have had IBS for 15 years and had a return of H PY , first diagnosed at 52 then again at 58. So go get it checked again.