Just wondering with ibs is normal to have a normalish compacted stool in the morning and then the rest of the day my Bowles are diareah ? But then by morning it's hardened up again ? I'm 16 years old goin threw anxiety at the minute im goin for my blood test on Monday just to rule out anything else but wondering if this is normal ?
Wondering : Just wondering with ibs is normal to... - IBS Network

Hi James, Sometimes its hard to say for us just what is 'normal!' But I do know what you are going through is fairly common... So please don't feel 'alone' with this. If you will be speaking with a dr on Monday, you might mention this to him (not that he will have an answer!)...
Sometimes increasing fiber helps 'normalize' your stool...especially things like oatmeal... Some one told me it helps him when he eats oatmeal in the evenings rather than in the morning.
Another acquaintance told me that she started taking psyllium husk powder in the mornings...instead of right before bedtime and this helped her. Just a couple of ideas. I have had this same problems...with me, it comes and goes...
Good luck to you!
Hi James. I think just about any kind of stool in any variation is common with IBS. Could be related to what you eat during the day - keep track of what you eat and when you have symptoms. You may find some foods are better for your gut than others. You can get a phone ap for this.
I would say yes as I have seen this. It's almost like a cork of Constipation and then when you release the cork the flood flies out for multiple times after.
It is very normal to have constipation in am and when released to suffer diarrhoea later in the day. Changes to food via sometimes helps. You only mention blood test but you need to be or have been referred to a gastrologist to be diagnosed with IBS as more tests need to be done such as colonoscopy etc before they can rule out other things.
Hi! James
I am sorry you are experiencing bowel problems at such a young age. I do hope you have been checked out by your GP?
To answer your question yes, it is normal for some people and the other way round for others. Take me for instance I am like you normal in morning, and after lunch pain and very loose stools. Fine in the evening after dinner. Then we start again the next day. We are all different but as long as we have tests to rule out other problems we adapt and learn how to manage. Is your anxiety to do with your current bowel problem or something else?
Yh bin checked out had my blood tests other day just waiting anxiously for my results on them will keep u upto date