What is Fodmap diet please? X
IBE Sufferer: What is Fodmap diet please? X - IBS Network
IBE Sufferer
Fodmaps are a specfit chain of carbohydrates. They are one of the most common causes of ibs. Elimination can provide relief for many people with ibs (not everyone) but when suffering it is worth a try to see if the diet helps. If you google it you will find plenty resources and you can buy books. I recommend 'IBS free at last.'
Monash university in Australia is doing all the research on FODMAPs and King's College London is doing it in UK - links above. Monash also have an app which is very useful and costs about £5. the elimination period (i.e. eating only low FODMAP foods) last about 6-8 weeks, then you re-introduce foods to see if they affect you. I've done this and found that I'm fine with lactose (milk, cheese) but have a problem with wheat, garlic, onions and some fruits but everyone is different, so there's no single perfect way of eating, it's what suits you.