I'm 26 years old and around 9 months ago out of no where I started feeling constipated, constantly bloated, low on energy, wind after every meal & hiccups/burping and just not myself. I eat a very healthy diet and exercise 5 times week and nothing seems to help. I have visited my doctor numerous times had blood tests which have all come back normal and a celiac test which was normal too. So my GP has put it down to IBS. she prescribed me COLPERMIN IBS relief tablets which i take three times a day and doesn't seem to make much difference. I feel totally drained and fed up with it all, its knocking my confidence and I've found myself coming obsessed with finding a cure/something that will help. I don't have any gluten in my diet and changed from milk to soya milk and don't really have much other diary (very occasionally cheese) but it still doesn't seem to make any difference. I took Acidophilus for about 5 months with no improvement, is there a probiotic that could help? Even if I have a salad for dinner I feel like I've eaten two large pizzas. If anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated, I'm fed up of looking 3 months pregnant when I'm not even if i could find a solution to help with bloating it would be a relief.
Thank you in advance