Does anyone have any suggestions?????
I think I'm being pretty inventive but I'm so sick of the same meals.
I mainly eat chicken, rice, salad, potatoes.
-Ive had spag bol but switched the pasta to gluten free & the sauce to Passata
- I've tried steak, gammon, beef etc
You may think I'm mad but I'm also doing weight watches diet as i want to loose some weight which i think will also help my IBS. Just doing the food map diet doesn't work for me because i found myself snacked on ready salted crips, peanuts, etc
I started weight watched before i found out i had IBS so changed my diet to healthier foods but obviously my IBS got worse because i was eating more veg, fruit, beans, milk, cereal, yogurts, soup. (all not aloud of food map)
Any ideas would be great