I have recently heard of using Psyllium husk/Fybogel as a useful bulking agent in IBS-D. Has anyone got any experience of this? I am currently suffering with D a lot but am reluctant to take what is commonly prescribed as a laxative without further information. THANKS
Fybogel for diarrhoea?: I have recently heard of... - IBS Network
Fybogel for diarrhoea?

Hi,I've used Fybogel from time to time,I think the idea is to try to regulate you. It won't hurt to give it a try, just try one a day see how you go.
I'm taking Fybogel Mebeverine & it says on the box that it's for Abdominal pain & bowel dysfunction associated with IBS
i tried fybrogel for some years it didnt help.im now on a low fibre diet and take normacol as i dont eat many veg /fruits as they give me ibs.if youv got diarrea you dont need laxatives!. does imodium help relieve it?
I took Fybogel for some years and prior to that took the pure ispagulahusk in small granule form for many years, it is not a laxative it is a bowel regulator (helps both C and D). It certainly helped when at my worst ( have the IBS D). They stopped producing the original packs which is why I had to switch to Fybogel (I cold only tolerate the 'natural' flavour, the others tasted unpleasant to me). It never cause any problems and you soon find how much to take,Personally I found I needed less than the full sachet. Good luck.
Have you tried keeping a food and bowel movement diary to see if there is a y particular foods that affect you
I found that a completely dairy free diet keeps my symptoms at bay - dairy is a fairly common cause. I also steer clear of cabbage and it's relatives and some fruits - I have to peel apples and too many strawberries react on me
However having said that IBS is very individual and it's trial and error to find a balance - a lot of people swear by the FODMAP diet
Thanks Everyone, I eat a vegetarian and gluten-free diet and seem to be okay with lactose ( I have never tried cutting it out, the thought makes me shudder..).
Immodium does help a little but I will only take it on long journeys when D would be an issue.
I think I will try Fybogel (or plain psyllium husk) as the worst that can happen is I go to the toilet a tad more, and the general consensus seems to be positive in using it as a bulker/regulator rather than a laxative.
Took fybogel years ago helped a little all I can say
I have 'lived' with IBS for many years but over the past year or so it has got progressively worse and my bowel movements became only diarrhoea. I'd sometimes go 6 or 8 times before even leaving for work in the morning and almost daily would be running to the toilet urgently with severe pain and diarrhoea. After being investigated for inflammatory diseases and given the all clear I was told it was IBS. I took an anti spasmodic for a while but it honestly didn't make that much difference and I continued to live with the IBS. However, after a recent terrible bout I went back to my GP who suggested fybogel-I was VERY scepticile and was certain it was a bad idea but from the first day I took it I have not have diarrhoea since and am now expericing normal stools for the first time since I was a child. I realise it doesn't work for everyone but for me it it an absolute miracle and answer to prayer! I cannot rate this highly enough and am encouraging people to not live with the IBS but there are things that can help. Hope it works for you too!