Hi I have been having bowel problems ever since my laparoscopic operation in May 2014. I am on Movicol Sachets twice daily however these do not seem to help me. I'm wondering if I may have ibs? I have got chronic constipation and suffer from anal fissures. Does anyone have any ideal remedies that could help me? I'm only 15 I'm afraid. Thanks!
Help: Hi I have been having bowel problems ever... - IBS Network
Hello Pheebs. Sounds like you need to talk to a doctor to see if your problems are IBS or otherwise. I'd bring my parents into the exam room. Kind of embarrassing, but if the doctors try to dismiss you, your folks can help you push for more support. And try not to worry. Easier said than done, but you might feel a little better if you can relax - stress can make IBS worse. A good doctor will give you lots of things to try and help your situation. I have no useful home remedies to aid you as I suffer the opposite problem, but one tip is when I'm bloated and in pain is to do a gentle 'child's pose' from yoga. It seems to provide some relief.
With any sort of bowel movement change you should see your doctor as soon as possible and you should take your mum with you as mentioned in the previous reply
you don't say what your laparoscopy was for as that could have a bearing too.
It is also possible that there could be adhesions from your lap causing issues.
I found movicol do nothing for me. I had to increase natural fibre and take fybogel when required to keep things moving.
I also find it helps to completely remove pants and trousers to enable me to open legs more. And having a stool to put my feet on such that my knees are higer than my hips. If you think about it we should naturally be squatting rather than sitting.
I would agree with the others to get a drs appt and take a parent with you. But ibs is a diagnosis of exclusion often.
it is also worth keeping a diary re food and drink, bowel movements and menstrual cycle.
X x