Need help with understanding my daily 2:30 pm episodes
Hey everyone,
I've been having a difficult time lately.
I started getting these episodes around 2:30 pm where I'd become blurred out, fatigued, breathless, puffy, shaky, dehydrated etc. This has been going for about 6 months daily, it's exhausting, I have no life after 2 pm.
I take 2.5 Armour + 7.5
Hey everyone,
I've been having a difficult time lately.
I started getting these episodes around 2:30 pm where I'd become blurred out, fatigued, breathless, puffy, shaky, dehydrated etc. This has been going for about 6 months daily, it's exhausting, I have no life after 2 pm.
I take 2.5 Armour + 7.5