Experiences with
Massage2,924 public posts
Pegs, calf-strain mysteries and thanks
Nothing works, yoga, changes of shoes, different gait, stretches, strengthening, physio, even use of our new massage gun. (Although he is the first to admit, there is much more to explore adopting regular S&F! He even popped into the Forum recently!
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How to return from a calf strain well (PART 6): Ice breaks
So the stick-massage roller came out after my post-run stretches.
CATCH-up-CORNER... JANUARY 2023...WEEK 2... Slip off your running shoes, come in inside. Everyone is Welcome.
Rollers, foam or otherwise, are great for simulating deep tissue massage. Just make sure that you check exactly how to use rollers or any other piece of equipment. It has to be done correctly!
Make this year the year that you find time to look after all the bits of you...you are worth it!