exhausted and pain
I’m a 59 year old woman suffering with Hashimoto Thyroiditis, Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. At my wits end regarding pain and exhaustion. Taking ‘Super B complex with calcium’ and vit DK2 spray daily. Meds prescribed incl: 100g ‘Accord’ levothyroxine ,50mg diclofenac sodium, 15mg lansoprazole
I’m a 59 year old woman suffering with Hashimoto Thyroiditis, Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. At my wits end regarding pain and exhaustion. Taking ‘Super B complex with calcium’ and vit DK2 spray daily. Meds prescribed incl: 100g ‘Accord’ levothyroxine ,50mg diclofenac sodium, 15mg lansoprazole