What the heck happened : Good day... - Fight Prostate Ca...

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What the heck happened

Bluetick profile image
4 Replies

Good day everyone

I m new here and need to share my story

So far,

Gleason 7, 3/4. Needle biopsy. Surgery 3 months later . No lymph nodes or nerves taken. Positive margins from the path report. Surgeon said after the surgery that she got it all and didn’t take any nodes or nerves or Seminol vessels.3 post surgical infections. Passed a plastic clip the size of a paper clip out the end of my penis at 2 months out.

First PSA was 2.3. Second PSA was 3.4 One week later at the VA. Decided at that point to go on a nutritional protocol called the bud wig protocol uses flaxseed and flax oil along with good nutrition all clean food and water. No sugar. Flax seed and flax oil is a anti-androgen. Which means, it will lower your testosterone levels. It does the same thing that the doctors pharmaceutical drug does but more gradually then wiping you out all at once. When I started my testosterone level was 340, now it is 98. In the year I have been on this protocol, I have cured my type 2 diabetes , also straightened out my high blood pressure which was always high is now a blood pressure of a 25-year-old. My wife also went on the nutritional protocol and lost almost 70 pounds I lost 30 pounds of mid body deep fat. I also had a white tongue

And irritable bowel syndrome pretty regular. The White tongue was a Candida infection or also known as A thrush infection. I have also been monitoring my acidity level in my body when I started the protocol with nutrition I was very acidic and would come up red in saliva and urine always. Now when I check myself daily I am coming up green which means I am much more alkaline. The white tongue cleared itself up after several months on the nutritional protocol. I am also now using CBD oil and a full spectrum cannabis oil. And have also started using B-17 Kernels.

Also known as Amigladin or Laitrile without any side effects at 10 to 15 a day.

Had a CAT scan in August with IV contrast that came up clean had bone scan and CAT scan originally prior to surgery and those also came up clean. I have another PSA at the end of November. For those folks that had robotic prostate surgery, your surgeon probably used plastic clips that have been left in your body. My surgeon told me after I passed one out the end of my penis that it’s very common for these clips to be in you and that the patients are not told about them. They cannot be seen with imaging because of the material that they’re made of. I have refused hormone radiation and have gone down a different road. Seems I have been able to slow my PSA down considerably over the last year. PSA was a 4.3 in August

I wonder what radiation would do to a plastic clip. So that’s my story so far has any one else had any kind of experience like this. God bless all of you, sorry for the long post but I’ve needed to tell someone other than my wife about all the crapI’ve been through so far will keep you posted on the next PSA wish me luck

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4 Replies
Robertleeb profile image

I have been on B17 about 2 months too only 3 kernels 3 times a day. supposed to be a anti-cancer protocol. along with cannabis oil. I am going to get CBD too,I read CBD and THC should be one to one. I have been on Lupron and casodex for 2 months and my psa dropped from 9 to .4, I read about a study with casodex and cannabis oil. works great together did add it to my protocols. we have to hit the pcancer hard so , changed my diet , no sugar , not too much fruit that has a lot of sugar too. I know the hormone therapy can stop working at anytime so while its keeping my psa down I will hit it hard. also doing 2 months of radiation at this time till mid Dec. stress also can ruin all the protocols so I practice guided mediation that leans toward a healing for the body, with headphones so I don't keep my wife up. there are some good ones on youtube. at least once or twice a week to release any stress build up dealing with pcancer, I actually fall asleep with it on, and wake up feeling good going to the radiation center in the morning. I have totally changed my lifestyle to try to fit my illness for a healing, and pray everyday I wake up and thank the lord for another day.

God Bless


in reply to Robertleeb

Very good to hear your stories. I have posted an earlier comment questioning the therapeutic value of flaxseed, but your tale offers some evidence that it does work.

My own experience following nerve sparing surgery is different. I did have a nasty infection which delayed catheter removal. With IV antibiotics it cleared up.

My surgery wasn't sure he'd got it all. The lab report said cancer cells were so close to the margin that they couldn't guarantee this.

I didn't know about the plastic clips. There were lots of things they didn't tell me.

Luckily my PSA at 3 months was less than 0.01, I.e. undetectable, which is what it should be. So he was relieved. It was less than 0.01 at 6 and 9 months. I was stunned when it was detected again at one year, 0.03. I was told that because I had a nerve sparing op and also I was quickly continent, then some prostate cells had been left. Not necessarily cancerous, just normal cells.

It's now 5 1/2 years. My PSA stayed between 0.03 and 0.02 for a couple of years. Then, horror, starting rising again. In Sept 2016, the hospital discharged me. At that time it had been as high as 0.08. I still have it tested six monthly. It seems to have flattened out around 0.07. If it gets to 0.15. I'm to go back to the hospital. 0.2 is the accepted level considered a recurrence.

Interesting when I phoned my GP surgery for the result, they used to say, "It's normal". When I asked for the number they were reluctant to say. Don't worry, they said it's normal. It's not "Normal" to have any PSA after surgery. For someone who has a healthy prostate, "normal" is anything up to 4.

I note your PSA is not normal at all. I would be reluctant to have radiation if I was in your position, but I would have it.

PSA is not a perfect indicator of cancer. The point of anything you do to deal with it should not simply be aimed at lowering your PSA. I wouldn't like to rely on natural remedies alone to stop the cancer advancing.

ron_bucher profile image

Nice job on the diet. After Gleason 4+3 prostatectomy (Plan A) in 2006, my PSA became detectable at 0.20 a year later. Radiation (Plan B) put it in remission for 7.5 years. Glad I did both. I just finished Plan C after third occurrence (PSA doubled to 0.06 in 6 months). Plan C included radiation of more lymph nodes, 6 cycles of taxotere, and 9 months of lupron. The only treatment that created intolerable side effects for me was lupron.

I'm already thinking about Plan D in case my PSA becomes detectable again. Such is the nature of "advanced" prostate cancer.

Good luck!


Bluetick profile image
Bluetick in reply to ron_bucher


Did the radiation have bad side affects? My last PSA was 4.3

I have seen in articles that radiation should be done before 1.0 to be successful ?

Seems I may be doomed with my outcome from the surgery. At 3 months after surgery i was already at 2.3. Two weeks later I was a 3.3. Then we changed what we were eating. A year later I was a 4.3. So I doubled in a year. I’m very hesitant to do any thing but pound on it with alternative treatment. The VA doc says I will live 10 years or so at this rate. I’m hoping for some immunology treatments here moving forward. Mabey the docs will come up with something. I am still incontinent

And get very discouraged with this part. I’ve tried the Exercises and that isn’t working. Might have something

To do with the clip I passed.

Good luck to you and god bless all people who suffer with this .

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