Hi fellow warriors.
After one year of Orgovyx and Darolutamide and still hormone sensitive i decided to change to a testosterone propionate BAT protocol (Russ' Protocol)
Here is a graph of my PSA numbers. all the peaks were taken after or during high T cycle.
The Highest Peak is 2.46 and lowest 0.03 was my NADIR after one year of ADT.
The basic protocol I am using is approx two weeks on High T then two weeks Daro+Orgo.
I on;y take the orgo during low T and so far my T is under 20ng/dl every time.
I also take Osterine 10mg and Carderine 10mg/day during daro+Orgo cycle.
Every single CMP/diff and CBC are perfect. Lipid panel is also fine.
This is exactly what I was hoping for is to keep the beast fed on T but caged.
Last High T cycle I started taking Olaparib 150mg BID for just the first week of that cycle and will continue that routine for now.