Hi Guys,
Well finally got my biopsy results last night from the consultant. the initial finding based on DRE and PSA of 4 backed up with MRI showing two large shadows on the prostate, PIRADS score was 4 and so the consultant at that point was saying it all looks like PC albeit still within the prostate.
A total of 50 cores were taken via a template biopsy , now I know why I feel so dammed sore and swollen everywhere, even 10 days after the biopsy was done.
Results have come back as all clear each and every one of the 50 cores was clear/benign. What I do have however is BPH with two large benign tumours in the prostate.
So consultant wants me back in March to see how things are developing while I take medication to shrink the prostate and to monitor the tumours. Will be going for a urodynamics evaluation to see why I am going to the toilet so often especially at night. Will also reassess my PSA values and run another MRI scan to check on the two tumours.
Just got to recover now from the biopsy and let all the swelling and bruising go away, urologist is also talking about a possible urolift procedure to help with the urination problems but at the moment I can live with the frequent trips to toilet.
Big relief to say the least BPH I can live with no surgery to go through, not was looking forward to that especially as the biopsy was so bad.
Good luck to all you guys who have not been so lucky as I have so far.