I'd love to find out what you thought of the programme for a feature on the NHS Choices website.
Have you completed the Strength and Flex p... - Strength & Flex
Have you completed the Strength and Flex plan?

I finished it a few weeks ago and aim to do it 2 to 3 times a week. I do it alongside running as im aware my upper body is not getting exercise. I really liked it. Pros for me were strengthening upper body, actually being able to do squats properly which id struggled with before. It helps ensure exercise is a part of my daily life now. I think it probably helps my running as well. I was a real couch potato 9 months ago, now i really miss exercise if i dont do it.
The only downside was the embarrassment factor of waving arms in the air in public but i choose a time when the local park is quiet and do it then. Id love a more advanced version or alternative set of exercises to vary it.
I also finished a few weeks ago and really loved the program. I've begun incorporating this workout into a longer circuit training session since and I really like the slow warm-up and stretching at the end. While I've worked out in the past, I've never been really mindful of my stretching.
I started it along with the Couch to 5K program and found that it was really helpful in keeping me motivated to continue running every other day. In the past, I would forget about exercising if I had a complete day off, so this has been a fun, easy way to keep going.
I had a few minor issues with some of the exercises because I had to do them indoors, especially with the pull-ups. I tried using the door frame tip, but I guess my doors are weird and I felt like I was going to fall backwards. I ended up replacing it with an arm exercise using a resistance band. It would be nice if descriptions could be added to the site explaining what muscles each exercise works...if we have to substitute them, we can use that as a guide. The other issue was that the no-intro session didn't seem to be different from the other week 5 podcast, but maybe that's an iTunes issue.
I second the request for a more advanced version. It was a great resource and I would love to hear more of Laura's encouragement!
Thanks for you message sergeant_tibbs. I'll look into the week 5 no-intro issue
Hi sergeant_tibbs,
Checked the no-intro Week 5 version on iTunes. All seems to be working well. It's exactly like the Week 5 podcast, only it has a shorter intro and outro. We assume that after a while, users who continue using Week 5 will no longer want to hear the intro and outro.
Hope that helps.
Gotcha, maybe I downloaded the wrong one. Either way, I'll keep using it!
I have finished this programme and thought it was fantastic, really great the way Laura explains the moves in a slow easy way to follow. This however is a problem when you have finished the programme and want to keep doing it, I now find it frustrating haveing her expalin all the moves (sorry). Like others my week 5 with no intro is not any different to the other one. Would be great if there was another week for a quicker workout without all the explainations.
Hi heathie.
Can I check that the no-intro version that you downloaded indeed has a shorter intro and outro?
Week 1-5 are wonderful if you still want replies. More of the same for the park would be brill. I alternate it with C25K - brill.