Hey all. So we are in lock down, don't panic we can still put our time to good use. Over this period I'm going to post a WOD each day. What is WOD? It's short for 'workout of day'. These will all be equipment free, using body weight. As there is a range of levels of fitness I will post up a easier workout and a harder one. You choose which one suits you.
If you fancy a challenge try one in the morning and the other at night. There will be workouts that are reps based, time based and until you drop based. 3 rules tho.
1) let me know how you get on
2) have fun and enjoy yourself
3) still get out and get fresh air if you can
I will try my best to get these posted up by 10am each morning. If you want to follow me, then you will get a email to let you know ive posted one up