My week has been good except for Tuesday when the sales fell out with me. Truthfully it took a few days to get my head back in the game. Still think I worked hard this week tho. Only missed out on Thursday boxercise as I didn't get finished work until late.
Back pull down 4x10 (5 8 10 10)
Seated cable row 4x12 (12 14 14 15)
Lat pull down 4x10 (70 80 80 80)
Row 4x10 (60 70 80 80)
Single arm row 4x8 (35 35 35 35)
1 hr boxercise
Run 2.8k 15mins 51sec
Footie 1 hr 3.8k
Db shoulder press 4x10 (10 10 10 10)
Cabke Tricep push down 4x12 (10b 10b 10b 10b)
Cable face pull 4x12 (12b 12b 12b 12b)
Single arm chest push 4x10 e/a (20 20 20 20)
Tricep dip 4x15 ( body weight)
Front raises 4x12 (5 5 7.5 7.57)
Side raises 4x12 (5 5 7.5 7.5)
Side delts raise 4x10 (7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5)
Db flat chest Bench 4x8 (25 25 25 25)
Single chest push 4x10 e/s (20 20 20 20)
Incline db chest fly 4x10 (12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5)
Nuteral grip chest push 4x10 (20 20 20 20)
Run 9k 57mins. 37 secs pace 6.33/km