I completed Week 5 last week and have been processing the experience since (and, if I'm honest, waiting for the pain to go away!) I did all of Week 5 at home to be sure of having the right prop at the right time - it did make me look on the bright side of how long our bedroom redecoration is taking and having a bed in the middle of an empty room as I could walk round and round that, with forays down to the bathroom for towel rails!
There was a bad moment during the final session. I don't know if I'd got cocky and stood too far away from the wall but those press ups nearly undid me, ouch.
I enjoyed seeing that I was fitter than last year when I started S&F before - my 5-10 minutes of gentle yoga first thing every morning is doing something! Despite the hassle of needing to be sure I had access to the right props, I also enjoyed not needing to wear the stuff I wear for running ie big support knickers and sports bra. I did the programme in all manner of clothing and footwear - from running kit to jeans, knee length boots or dress.
It will be useful to repeat Week 5 from time to time, as suggested. I'm also going to look at some of the other NHS workout resources to complement my running, swimming and yoga. I'd encourage anyone to give this a go. It doesn't provide quite the same exhilarating sense of achievement as NHS C25K running but it does provide a good structure to develop an all round fitness programme.
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