My rheumy has me on amlodipine 5mg, but it's not relieving my Raynaud's at all. She just added fluoxetine 20mg to use as a vasodilator. Has anyone tried this for their R's? I'm curious about real experiences and if it truly helps.
Is anyone taking fluoxetine for Rayna... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Is anyone taking fluoxetine for Raynaud's?

Yes, I am on fluoxetine, and it does help. I'm on a low dose, and it also helps with those mood swings (added side benefit!). I'm also on Rivatio (Viagra), and that helps more. It is pricey, because of "use not intended", but for me, it is wonderful! My sores have mostly healed since I've been on it, and I've not gotten any new ones. I would work with your rheumy on getting on this ASAP. If he tells you he / she is not familiar, fight to get on it!!
Yes I take fluoxetine in a liquid, this was because my consultant said they had found this to be better than tablets for helping with the Raynaud's. Since taking it my attacks have lessened in severity.
ive been on floxutine for years now for depression and they are good i still get days i cry ,dont talk .or answer phone .and egnore my door .but anyone feeling anxious or depreesed out there i would recomend it .compared to what i was im almost myself .amd i have raynauds
Hi rjericks, i take fluoxetine for anxiety i have taken it for years , the raynaunds and sclerderma association reccommened taking this , i take tablets and have been fine . It opens all your veins in hands , feet , and body hope you give it ago ...
My doc took me off and changed to cymbalta. It works great for the muscle pain
I was prescribed fluoxetine many years ago forf depression, but told to keep taking it for my raynauds. My GP had no idea it was recommened for raynauds- he actually checked in his MIMS book and was quite surprised to see I was correct!
thanx's been 1 week, and I do think it's vasodilation factor is helping... I noticed the swelling and sores on my fingers are beginning to heal
I did and had a nasty reaction. Took 1 tablet at 8am and then another at 1pm. By 5 pm it felt that my head was going to explode, i could not see properly and the pain was excrutuiating. I could taste blood in my mouth and started to panic. Fortunately my son helped me to get into bed and gave me painkiller then i stayed there till i eventually fell asleep. never again!!!
I am on it too, it does help regulate moods and helps with the oesophagus and swallowing. Been on it 17 years now.
I am, and nifedipine and I'm on irbesartan for BP too. I think thats meant to treat raynauds too. The side effects for fluoxetine go away quite quickly. The nifedipine is nasty. I think its making me down and anxious
I also suffer from severe raynaud's and have have two separate infected fingers in the past year. One was so severe I was on 7 rounds of antibiotics for 4 months - then ended up in the hospital where I was given IV antibiotics. It didn't clear up until I took fluconozole. I've been taking Tiazac 120 for a year but figure there must be something better. The infectious disease doctor I saw for my last finger issue told me to check out a website It's really informative and tells you all the options for raynauds. It also mentions fluoxetine, which I plan on adding to my tiazac daily. I hope it helps cause this is really getting annoying having fingers out of order for weeks. I hope this post helps someone who is looking for some answers. Good luck!
thanx Jill:)...I wi;; check out that site.
I do find the fluoxetine helped reduce my R's symptoms; typically I have multiple areas of swelling, chilblains and pain. Currently, that's down to 2. My rheum did add the nitro patch to my meds. No ulcers this year(yet).
I have had raynauds for about 18 years. I have very swollen hands, they turn purple-white tand develop sores all the time, even in the summer. My rheumatologist just prescribed 20mg of fluoxetine a day. Has anyone had this level of severity with raynauds and took fluoxetine? Any side effects and has it helped? I am trying to ascertain if it is worth taking because if the positive effects are not anything to rave about I might as well not take it at all. Thanks!
Hi Rozsta! My R's is severe; this is the first winter in years that I have not had ulcers...I think the fluoxetine, 20mg, with the nitro patch is a good combo for me
I have been taking it for five years now it seems to help i take 40mg. It helps with the mood swigs depression that seems to follow Raynaud's and the Scleroderma
Thanx msdeedee! I'm certainly finding it lessens the severity of R's symptoms and hope others can find the same relief
sorry just read this post my raynauds was severe i tried illoprost and all meds .i am now on 60 mg fluxetine and pottasium tablets and they work great trial and error . good luck
Hi rjericks I have also been prescribed 20mg Fluoxetine recently for Raynauds as i have had so many attacks last year and have suffered a lot of pain in my hands, pins and needles etc. It did make me feel sick at first, although I am now taking the medication at bed time, which has helped. I do feel that the medication is taking the edge off the pain and am hoping it will make my Raynauds easier to cope with. I hope this helps you too. Best Wishes