I have limited systemic sclerosis and certainly fall into the 'thick skin' definition of scleroderma. Raynauds for years, some skin tightening on hands and feet, puffy fingers but no sclerodactyly yet. I do get corns on my finger tips probably related to my manual work on the farm, these became a lot worse last summer when I was doing all the milking I which your finger tips are constantly in use lifting and positioning the clusters. The corn on my left thumb was particularly prominent and became very painful and as it was starting to peel its top layer and catch on things, I carefully cut the top off - didn't penetrate the lower skin layers. It then became apparent that there was an abscess building underneath, which has now been lanced and dressed by a nurse and I'm on flucloxacillin (again) as there was a wider infection starting. Does anyone else get bad corns on their fingers? I get them on my feet as well but of course I can get a podiatrist to help remove those. Unfortunately the combination of mycophenolate, a job surrounded by muck and mud, and Raynauds combine to make me very prone to infection, I've had to resort to antibiotics about 6 times in 3 years now, having been about 15 years since my last requirement!
Corns on fingers: I have limited... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Corns on fingers

Your corns are more than likely calcification ulcers caused by scleroderma. I have found that antibiotics help many aspects of scleroderma. Finding an excellent balm or lotion to use all through the day can make a world of difference. Bag Balm is a great heavy duty cream for many skin problems. Good luck to you!!
Thanks, the corns were definitely 'on top' as extra skin layers but I'm not saying there isn't calcinosis going to appear at some stage! I have had calcinosis for years in one finger that has even worse circulation than the others although has improved dramatically with sildenafil, I also get it in my knees. I will investigate Bag Balm, thanks for that one.
An update on my post below - went back to the nurse today to have it checked... I had woken up in night with it throbbing and had squeezed more pus out... she hoicked a couple of lumps of calcinosis out. (Accompanied by my grimaces and squeals).. Back again on Friday.
Haven't heard of Bag Balm, but I will certainly get some and try it. I just wish there were more studies being done in the medical field. My rheumatologist says there is very little going on. I have all the symptoms for CREST (C for Calcinosis, R for Raynauds, E for esophygeal, S for Scleroderma and T for thyroid.) The Esophygeal and Thyroid are in control and even 85% better due to the medicines. It's the Raynauds and Calcinosis that are worse. Good luck and thanks for the Bag Balm suggestion.
yes I have CREST full set apart from sclerodactyly which will no doubt follow. 'T' is actually for telangiectasia (little red spots typically on face and hands). Calcinosis is SOOO painful, I try and keep extremities warm as it seems to on my 'cold spots' that I get the nodules.