I have foot pain - when it happens, it feels like trying to walk on broken glass with the added handicap of crushed toes! Occasionally I have woken up, got out of bed and found I couldn't walk. These times, it eased off before I put my shoes in/went to work. This last month, I inadvertently hurt my foot - trying to get out the drivers side of my car (full weight on one foot and twisting because it was a tight space) and then the other time, I was going for a walk in 'normal' boots and after a tea stop, my foot was suddenly crippled with pain and I couldn't walk home. I learnt my lesson from both these events - avoid putting my full weight on my right, albeit dominant, foot and only walk in wide fitting footwear.
It still feels like my foot is one step away from this crippling pain and I think I have unconsciously started walking differently to avoid putting weight on it judging by the hip and knee twinges on the other side.
I thing some of you guys have had similar and I wondered what you did please to alleviate the problem? Thank you - grateful for any advice 😍