Hi / I am 78 years of age and about 5 months ago I developed phlebitis in right leg / having had a previous bout on left leg I nursed myself but at end of the bout when lumps were disappearing a weird scab appeared and this has developed into a nasty ulcer which judging from the amount of pain I am in especially at night or with any leg elevation makes me believer to be an arterial one (plus this is my poor circulation leg which shows in my foot ie raynauds attacks). I take OTC paracetamol and ibufren / doctor has added codeine but as I’ve also just been diagnosed with inflammation of the bowel I really don’t want to get constipated. And none of which really helps! Also was give amitriptyline but one 10 mg dose at bedtime knocked me out for 24 hours. I am going for dressing tomorrow and have asked for GP to see me at same time so I can discuss medication. I can either sleep in a chair or hang my leg out of my bed for relief. My daughter spoke with the Ulcer Clinic and they have my referral but cannot do either compression dressing or a Doppler reading until my pain is under control. Please friends any advise would be appreciated re pain control. Thank you in anticipation. Credit Crunchie ( what a stupid name which seemed funny when the credit crunch was prevelant).
pain from leg ulcer: Hi / I am 7... - Scleroderma & Ray...
pain from leg ulcer
ok if your in pain please try wild lettuce extract mt rose herbs, ebay i use it for scleroderma, lupus works great please let me know how it works for you. good luck love julie
Gabapentin is pretty good for pain. I had a ulcer,almost to the bone on my right ankle 6 yrs ago but I was amazed that the dressing used by my derm was 20% zinc ,which is basically diaper rash cream. At home I started using the 40% zinc oxcide ad it finally healed .Good Luck.I feel your pain.
I found your reply so reassuring as the GP has put me on Gabapentin……had one tablet last night and it knocked me out so had first night’s sleep for ages. He is sending me for an X-ray on Friday as concerned it’s possibly heading for my shin bone as it’s getting bigger plus he is referring me to the vascular department as GP thinks it is an arterial not a venous ulcer and can’t fathom why I am in such pain but from what I’ve read people with arterial ulcers hang their leg out of bed or sleep in a chair as they get such pain from leg elevation. So I am no different to other leg ulcer sufferers but I am hoping that the pain is related to nerve damage and the Gabapentin will do the trick. Again thank for your reply.
You are so welcome!
Hi, I just used the store brand zinc diaper rash cream. I remember when I could not stand the thought of the dr. touching my ulcer. If you put the cream on a gauze pad,lay it on the ulcer and cover it with a self sticking bandage it works out pretty well. I hope it helps.