I was diagnosed with Lupus Anticoagulant after suffering a still birth. This forced me to retire after 8 years As a Police Officer. Am I really sick? Am I disabled
Am I considered sick? : I was diagnosed... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Am I considered sick?

Why did it force you to retire?
How do you feel? I don't view myself as disabled or sick. I know I have challenges and I know I have good days. I can still work. I can walk for miles. These illnesses are so different for each individual. I know there are people who are very poorly.
Lots of information in those links:
Yes to an employer. Depending what job you do . Weather they put stuff in so you can do that job . Maybe maybe . If you where employed before and come back not the same . .You are probably very useful in other ways . And not sick or disabled to do other kinds of jobs . I could not do my old job after getting sick but earnt money doing other things
Question is-how do you feel? You must decide if you are well or unwell and if you, in your position of employ, require ongoing fitness medicals to do your job then it may be that your employers will decide this for you depending on the results.
I hope that all goes much better for you in the future and so sorry for losing baby..lost mine too so know how heartbreaking this is.
I was forced into early retirement due to my health, at the time they knew something was wrong on the autoimmune but wasn't sure & just had diagnosis of Raynaud's, serious fatigue & Fibromyalgia along with severe spinal degeneration. I was a teacher for 31 years but the school didn't support me & I even ended up having serious union involvement. Anyway I finally got IHR at the age of 52 and quite honestly it took about 5 years before they began to treat me with Methotrexate & it has really helped I feel so much better. I still have big joint problems but I can do things now just different. So instead of walking long distances I now cycle.
Thanks for that Tria.. I lost my baby over 20 years ago now but still feels like yesterday, ...I always have this ache for what might have been. Do hope that things improve over time work wise....you learn to live with this horrible illness....and make the best of what you can do. Good luck pet.