My name is farwa munawwar. I am from pakistan. I am 34 years old and patient of scleroderma since 8 years. I have 3 kids. I entered in uk before 6 month. And here i am facing so many challenges. In which biggest challenge is financial challenge because i can't apply benefits from government according to my visa. And second i have no house helper it is also big challenge with 3 kids. And so many health issues. I think i am going in depression now.😭😭
I am scleroderma patient.: My name is... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I am scleroderma patient.

Hello Farwa have you discussed this with your GP as you should be covered under the disability Act and qualify for disability benefits. Also if your children are at school see if you can get some advice from a local Children Centre or be put in touch with social services through your local council. Good luck I know how awful this condition is and hope you can get some support soon.
Hi Farwa, you should be able to see a GP - a General Practioner Doctor - in your local area. You will need to go to your nearest GP and fill out a form for yourself and your children. You can then make an appointment to see them. You are probably not eligible for health treatment from a hospital.
There are organisations in many areas who can give you advice and support. You can contact the Red Cross for advice and support about what is available where you live. Click on the link below for informatiom -
I hope that you find support where you live. Try to take one day at a time, and continue to do what you have done here, reach out for support.
This is a charity who should be able to advise you on how to access support.
Hi Lion-yellow,
I’ve just read your post and feel for you in your circumstances and hoping that you have managed to get some support for all your challenges, it must be very hard for you and your children. As other replies have said please try to seek help through your local GP or perhaps your children’s school or nursery, if they are old enough to attend, might be able to guide you in the right direction. Can you also seek help and friendship through your local Faith, Church or Spiritual Centre, it doesn’t matter what religion or faith you are.
Lastly I am hoping that your depression has not got worse, again seek help from your GP. You have a lot to cope with at such a young age and wishing you and your family all the best. Please post again and let us know how you are getting on especially with your Scleroderma challenges and contact SRUK for help and information too. Take care 🌻