(Pic is of the White Spots in March 2009)
I was answering a question this weekend about white spots that sclero likes to show up in and got this idea.I am Beautiful!(if u dont know... I talk about scleroderma like its a person...like a second personality trying to take control of my body...like in those crazy movies...lol)
I have always looked in the mirror and saw Beauty. From 260lbs to 120lbs I was pretty. Now I look back at pics of myself with white spots on my face and say WOW GIRL you were ugly...lol but at the time I saw Beauty. Never ugly in the moment. I wish I could post multiple pics of me so yall can see the change.
I am starting to realize that How I see myself is not based on how I physically look. Something inside tells me I am beautiful no matter how bad I really look. I really believe what people say about beauty being skin deep is true. It has to be if I feel beautiful. I have been fat, too skinny, single, lonely, pizza face, and polkadot face but never ugly. People what causes this?