I've suffered from insomnia for almost 10 years..and I'm beginning to think its been longer than that reflecting on my childhood years. My psychiatrist has put me on tons of different medicine, starting with the oh so practical melatonin. Every milligram you can think of, rapid release, every dose and it worked for a hot day, hour and that's the end of that. Tried abilify, lamictal, doxepin and Ambien (bad experience s with that) And the list goes on. Currently 3 weeks into taking "restoril" and yet not working. The struggle is beyond real. It's unwanted.
Insomniac maniac : I've suffered from insomnia... - Sleep Matters
Insomniac maniac

You sound like myself. I totally get this.
Melatonin is not a sleeping pill, I have no idea why doctors think this is an insomnia medication. My previous doctor prescribed 5 mg and all it did was wake me after 1 hour with headache, low mood and feeling extremely hungover the next day. Smaller doses the same.
My new doctor said it has to be used in really small doses at the right time or it will mess up an already messed up sleep cycle.
I’ve been on a ton of different meds as well. Trying middle of night medication called Sonata recently for its short half life and all it did was make me stay awake all night. Right now I’m not taking anything and just riding the waves each night. I’ve been seeing my new doc since June, he’s in my corner and seeing me more often as we keeping working on this.
I’m not giving up, if I find a solution I sure will share it.

Yes please do..thank you..it's nice to know I'm not alone. I took my new insomnia med tonight..left off two days since it's (as needed which I need it every night,.hence ive been up. My psychiatrist is also a sleep doctor so working through this..trying to keep a diary..but the restlessness and loss of energy through the day is becoming beyond bearable.
Getting through a day with little to no sleep is truly unbearable. I hope the new med got you some rest.
I’ve been up since 12:15 this morning, got a whopping 3.5 hours. I’m dying right now, it’s 3:20 am, for some reason I just can’t get the brain to shut down, but my body wants to if that makes sense. 😒😁
Tonight I may have to put all the sleep meds I have in a basket and pull one out hoping it’ll do something. 😂😂

That sleep med does nothing for me..I've been up since 1am..I'm wide awake mentally, physically I want sleep. So yes I understand..it's now 4:34am..i dread how the day will be today..and coffee stopped working for me years ago 😑😒😞
I’m immune to coffee too. You and I have quite a day ahead of us. I’m at home today, can nap if I want to if the urge hits but my sleep tonight, what little I’ll get, is always cut short the time of my naps, so why bother.
Just put me out of misery now. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

I had the same problem but it only lasted 3 years. After 2 days I would pass out from exhaustion. Like you, I have been on a lot of prescription pain medication. Anxiety and insomnia were listed as side effects. Note that I am unable to take serotonin re uptake inhibitors of any kind. I read that 30% of people react with insomnia to a lot of different drugs. I was cut back to a single pain medication (No acetaminophen) and things began to improve. I also had added a medication back that I have taken off and on for 30 years. Physicians are reluctant to write it now due to all the lies in the news media but I can sleep all night again. I always drink a small glass of whole buttermilk before turning in. If you cannot sleep and rest your body does not heal. It was like my mind would not shut off. I now look up all my medications on drugs.com. It is the most up to date database out there. It even covers drug interactions and foods. I do not drink sodas or alcohol.