Looking for advise I am currently on zopiclone 7.5mg I have suffered anxiety and depression with my last bout of crippling anxiety lasting a week where I never slept for days on end so the zopiclone wasn't working like they should I have been advised to take a 7.5 on night and alternate it with a 3.75 the next night I am terrified of withdrawal I had a really horrific time a couple of years ago when they changed my meds from veneflexine to mirtazapine and I can't go through that again the agitation no sleep crying 24/7 I am 72 I have been on the zopiclone 10 years I was really poorly only a couple of weeks ago where my mood was so low (suicidal) crippling anxiety I was so poorly and that is why I an so terrified of withdrawal don't feel as if I could cope with it just want to know if anyone has come off zopiclone like this Thank you
Zopiclone withdrawal : Looking for advise I am... - Sleep Matters
Zopiclone withdrawal

Dear Olivia
I’m so sorry you are going through this awful situation,
I also have been addicted to Zopiclone for the last 20 years and I’m 53, I started on them through the hospital as I had cancer.
The withdrawal from the Zops is absolutely horrendous which is why I’m still on them,
Some people say it’s even worse than coming off Benzos 😩
There is a way people have got it through there Dr I can’t remember the name of it now I will find out and let you know,
It was made by some Dr where you switch one zop for a benzo then slowly take less each week.
Unfortunately I can’t do this as in hospital they tried to sedate me by using diazepam (Benzo) and it did absolutely nothing at the highest dose, so I am resilient to benzos.
It really doesn’t help tapering off anything when your Anxiety is so bad I ran out once and I thought I was going to die, my senses were really heightened I could hear helicopters hovering over my house trains on tracks in my walls!! Crazy right?
It’s because Z drugs dampen down your Central nervous system (cns) so when you don’t have them you “come to life” and your body doesn’t like it.
Unfortunately after seeing my Dr soooo many times to try to get 2 x Zops as they don’t work for me now, unfortunately I have to buy them online but it’s putting a big dent in my debit card but I’d rather that then go without!
I really hope you can maybe even find a different dr that understands you need help,
Please let us know how you get on
Take care x
Thank you yes It was a mental health nurse that set my plan out who I have never seen before I am going to contact my local drug rehab locally tomorrow and ask for there advise as hw said the plan before he realized I had been on it for 10 years so didn't really feel confident following the route he was taking me I will update any changes it may help someone else
There's a website, Benzobuddies, where people talk about there experiences with these drugs, I found it really helpful. Read The Ashton manual, wriiten by doctor Ashton who is an expert on this, She recommends cutting the dose by 10% every 2 weeks.
Just google zopiclone withdrawal schedule. The NHS have some online.
I was on it for 3 years tapered off over 3 months.
Just need some pill clippers.