I struggled with poor sleep all my life, but am also a loud snorer.
Many mornings I was convinced that I’d had zero sleep, but would be told I’d been snoring all night. Wife often moved to another room & even kids complaining from their rooms.
So I went to the doc & had several overnight sleep studies.
The studies showed lots of episodes, but no issues with Oxygen saturation, probably because I wake instantly.
So I was sent to have my Tonsils, Uvula & some flappy tissue removed by laser.
That stopped my snoring overnight & I had the best sleep ever (as did the family).
Unfortunately, 2 years later, the snoring returned as bad as ever (I’m told). Well I’ve heard it, because I record it on a SleepClock App.
I really couldn’t be bothered going through the NHS hoops again, so I did a private sleep study & bought a top of the range Resmed Autosense 10 CPAP machine.
The problem is, I’m a wriggler & (apart from the odd occasion when I’m paralytic drunk) I cannot sleep on my back. I sleep face down.
So I’ve not used the thing for nearly 2 years.