For the past 6-8 months i have had persistent bloating every time i eat and drink. I ignored it because lots of my friends said it was normal and they had it too. But for the last 3 months i have gone between being constipated one day and having diarrhoea the next day. My stomach always distends so much when i bloat that i look pregnant. I suffer with wind and the occasional back pain. But i never have any stomach pain. I finally called my doctor who said i needed to do a blood test and a stool sample. She said she wanted to rule out crohn's disease and things like that. She said it may be something like IBS.
Then she asked me if i have been urinating more frequently. I said that i had been since over a year ago and had been to the doctors and nothing came of it as hospital scan showed that my bladder looked normal. I literally pee like 30 times a day and always up in the night too at least twice. And now she says when she does my bloods she wants to check for ovarian cancer as some of the symptoms i have are the signs of ovarian cancer as well as things like crohns disease and ibs and she wants to rule that out aswell. Especially as i have a family history of various cancers in the younger members of my family.
But now i'm utterly terrified! I'm hoping its IBS or something else similar and i know they have to check these things but how can i not be scared?! I don't have my bloods till monday and then that will take at least a week or 2 and i guess i just needed to write all this down as i just don't know how to feel. And its super hard for me to not worry about it.
I don't know if i should even mention it to my boyfriend or my dad because i don't want to worry them! Suppose i'm just hoping someone has a similar story that turned out fine.
Sorry for the long post. Just scared and upset at the moment.