Hello. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in August 2017, stage 3, after a complete hysterectomy and debulking surgery, where I was lucky enough to not require a colostomy bag afterwards. I go on Monday to get the results of my one year scan and am a little nervous this time. My ca125 has been 11 or under every 3 months, but still....
New to the group: Hello. I was... - SHARE Ovarian Can...
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Wishing you the very best! Stay positive - you are so strong, and have come so far ❤️
Think positive! I am two months from being in remission for a year. Went for my 3 month check up. Everything looked fine. I received a text message from my oncologist and he told me that my CA125 had jumped to 38. Scheduled for PET scans and we will see what shows up. I am not stressing about it. One thing I have learned about trying to survive this is that if you dwell on it - it will paralyze you. Live each day like it's your last and live them to the fullest. Don't let cancer scare you or it wins! Look it in the eye everyday and tell it to go to hell where it belongs! Bring out your teal colored boxing gloves and fight like a woman! God bless you sweetheart!

Thank you and I agree totally! Mine just jumped up to 44 and I am having abdominal pain (hope it's scar tissue from so much surgery I had) but it's scary. I am trying not to let this take over my life though I have only been in remission 4 months... I am still alive 15 months later... and all I can do is stay positive and not let this take me down. We are ALL strong women and we fight! xoxo
I had same diagnosis and sounds like same surgery, etc. in Oct 2018 and just getting my first post-op CT scan (for a new baseline) this month. All my numbers are really good and my chemo is over . Just taking Avastin now for at least 6 cycles, then re-evaluate. I feel great, but hard to not think those thoughts at times..... I kick them as hard and fast as possible and keep on rockin' in the free world. Actually, one of my favorite sayings is "just another day in paradise" and I found and bought a tee shirt recently with those words. Stay positive, be informed and plan for a marvelous future.
that is AWESOME. I love happy stories. Thanks for the reply and encouragement.
Wishing you courage to handle whatever happens, and good news all around. 🌹
I can understand, I'm going for my first scan after chemo on Wednesday. It is scary isn't it. And its OK to be scared. It hard sometimes to stay in the present but worth the effort.
Good luck and I hope all goes well.
We are all hanging in there as best we can. I love kicking cancer to the curb and trying to stay positive, but we are also allowed to be on the pity pot once in a while with what we have all been through and continue to struggle with. Every story is different and yet we all share a similar bond. Keep it up, sister! You are stronger than anything cancer has to throw at you!
I love what you said.. I feel the same way too.. but it's scarey as hell.. N being alone n NOT having n e 1 to talk to about this is more frightening.. I'm alone thru it ALL..
I am too Bella! Alone. I went through a divorce after being married for 40 years.... and had just bought a new home... starting my life over with so much hope and was trying to find some happiness finally. Then this hit me. High grade 3C. It is scary when you are alone at night with your thoughts. And when you have pain in your abdomen you fear that this monster is spreading again. Just know that you are not alone... there are so many of us facing this and we can rely on each other for support. We are strong women and we've got this! Love and hugs to you xoxo
Dear AvaBoo, I hope your visit to your Dr. Went well yesterday. You are in my prayers. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a year ago and had a 17 cm tumor in my right ovary. I had a total hysterectomy and they said they got it all. I still had 6 rounds of chemo, and so far I am doing well. I also am not on any maintenance and was told that I didn’t Need it. I try and live one day at a time, and be thankful for every day and every relationship I have. Keeping you in my prayers. 🙏🙏🙏
Hi AvaBoo, I have stage 3c ovarian since 2013,surgery,chemo,Avastin and now on Zejula for almost a year. Had recent Catscan,tumor has been shrinking to the point it is calcified.
Feel good with no side affects,thank God.Just keep the faith,positive thoughts and support from here and from family and friends.
We all are warriors and survivors
Hi Caroline! I am
Just reading your post.
How are your side effects been on Zejula? I tried Lynparza and it put me down big time ... felt like I had a really bad flu ... I couldn’t eat .. . it was awful as and bad as chemo. I am just now getting it out of my system. I have a lot of abdominal pain and hope it’s scar tissue.. but with a rising Ca it always worries me. I think that is wonderful you have no side effects on Zejula. I know everyone is different. Did you have them in the beginning and you body had to adjust? Thanks! xoxo
Hi Cyndy, I have been lucky with really no side affects,except dry mouth. Ca has been stable. I have a tendency to not have much of appetite,but I've been that way forever,lol. I hope you give it a try,my dose has been 300mg a day from the start. Some of the gals on here use less,depends on your system. Hope this helps,keep fighting the fight. XOXO
Thanks so much Caroline and very good to know that you have had little side effects. I could certainly handle dry mouth for sure and just drink more alkaline water! LOL I know we all are different but my body just can't handle Lynparza so I will try Zejula if my numbers come back high again. I should find out today or tomorrow. The constant abdominal pain worries me and funny that I had very little before I took Lynparza. Now it is constant Still I am trying to push it out of my mind and keep moving forward.
Love and hugs,
Cyndy, make sure you tell your doc about pain,I don't know much about Lynparza,but you never know it could be from that or scar tissue. Have you had a recent Catscan? Let me know how you do.
Thanks! Yes I will tell her and I am due for my next CT scan in 30 days. I too... think much of this could be from scar tissue as I had extensive surgery. That can also raise the CA125 too. Will keep you posted! Appreciate your response! It helps a lot ! xoxo